Weight Watchers Stocking Stuffer Giveaway

Weight Watchers didn’t want to be left out of the fabulous giveaways I hosted this week so they are stuffing one of my reader’s stockings with some treats.

The stocking is filled with Weight Watchers by Whitman’s chocolate candies (yum!), vouchers for Weight Watchers sweet baked goods, and two different cookbooks to help you make delicious and healthy meals that are Weight Watchers plan friendly. Of course even if you aren’t on the Weight Watchers plan, healthy meal ideas are always a good thing!

Weight Watcher has also created this cool widget that allows you to find healthier substitutes for your snack cravings. You can also find coupons for Weight Watchers products.

You can also get a FREE subscription to Weight Watchers magazine. Visit Money Saving Mom for all the details.

To enter to win the stocking leave a comment. Giveaway ends Monday December 21st!

Lose-A-Palooza ~ Help the Fight Against Hunger


Today you have a chance to make a difference, and all you need to do is tweet, sign on Facebook, or write a blog post!

Weight Watchers is donating $1 Million Dollars to help fight hunger. The donation will be split between Share Our Strength and Action Against Hunger.  Last year, the campaign impacted more than 250,000 children and families domestically and actually represented the difference between life and death for more than 6,000 malnourished children abroad.

You have the opportunity to increase the donation by $25,000!

Lose-A-Palooza is a one-day online social networking event taking place on September 15, 2009 to help raise awareness for the Lose For Good™ campaign! For every accepted mention or acknowledgment of “Lose For Good” made on September 15 via blogs, Twitter, Facebook and MySpace, Weight Watchers will make an additional donation – up to $25,000* – for just one day of social media activity.  This donation is on top of the $1 million Weight Watchers is hoping to donate to Share Our Strength and Action Against Hunger as part of the 2009 Lose For Good campaign!

Here is how you can help:


  • Tweet #LoseForGood: Share how you are supporting the good with all your Twitter followers. Tweet about the way you’re helping the fight against hunger and be sure to include #LoseForGood.
  • Multiply the good: Follow @sharestrength or @acfusa to fill your Twitter stream with good, and then retweet.
  • That’s right, each #LoseForGood Tweet and follow to @sharestrength and @acfusa on September 15 provides $1!


  • Become a fan of the NEW and official Weight Watchers page! And don’t forget our Weight Watchers Supermarket Foods page.
  • If you’re already a fan, just post a “Lose For Good” related comment OR “Like” the updates that we’ll post throughout the day.
  • Become a fan of our awesome charitable partners – Share Our Strength and Action Against Hunger!
  • It’s that easy. Join fan pages, comment on our statuses and walls, or simply ‘Like’ updates to our fan pages and you’ll
    be participating in Lose-a-Palooza and helping fight hunger!

Blog It

  • Write a blog post about Lose For Good, including the phrase “Lose For Good” and encourage your readers to get involved by visiting www.LoseForGood.com.
  • Comment on a blog post about Lose For Good! Be sure to have your friends show their support by commenting on your post –
    every comment relating to “Lose For Good” helps Weight Watchers donate $1!
  • In our new Weight Watchers Community, write a blog post about Lose for Good and we’ll make a contribution to the
    fight against hunger.  Remember to use the words “Lose for Good!”

One of my favorite things about blogging is that it brings people together and can impact others in a far reaching way. If you have a minute, please join me today and help the fight against hunger.
