Some Things Money Can’t Buy

I was watching this video my friend Jen posted this morning and it reminded me that there are some things money can’t buy.  In today’s society many people work very hard for their next raise, promotion, or opportunity. Obviously supporting a family should be a priority, but what our kids need most from us is not our money, it is our time.

A good way to find out what your kids think your priorities are is to ask them what they think you like to do the most. How would they answer that question: would it be talking on the phone, watching television, cooking, crafting, taking pictures, spending time on the computer, or would it be spending time with your family?

With some hesitation I decided to ask my children this question on camera. I didn’t tell them the question ahead of time, I just called them in the room and told them to be honest. This is what they said:

My littlest one said I like cleaning up the most. I will admit I definitely love a clean home, but I don’t want that to be what my daughter thinks is most important to me. Obviously I have some work to do is this area.

Time with your children is FREE. It costs nothing to read a book, play a game, take a walk, tell a story, color a picture, make a blanket fort, or look for bugs. The best part is that even though it is free, there is an amazing return on your investment. Ask your kids what they think is most important to you.  It might be time to diversify your investment.