A Worthwhile Investment?

It is rare that I have an hour alone (with my eyes open) let alone four. But a recent airline flight afforded me the opportunity to have four hours alone; no phone, internet, or television, just me. (Well just me and my iPod, I don’t do silence)

It got me thinking about time and how it is a commodity just like money. Often we focus on the things in our life we can touch – money, food, cars, stuff. We think a lot about how to better manage our money, how to eat better, how to get better gas mileage, or how to organize the school books.

I think we don’t spend a lot of time considering how we invest our time. I know for me, many times I wake up and there is already a crisis in my house. Someone has wet the bed, thrown up, or dropped a gallon of milk on the kitchen floor. Sometimes it feels like you put on your armor and jump into battle every morning.

As I sat on the flight, alone, I realized I want to be more intentional with my time. What is most important to me? For me it is:

  • Faith
  • Husband
  • Kids
  • Family
  • Homeschool
  • Friends
  • Church

Do my days reflect my priorities? Sometimes yes, sometimes no. I have found that if  my priorities get mixed up my days don’t go very well. Whenever I try to put something first that shouldn’t be the day falls apart.

Twenty years from now what time investments will have big returns? My portfolio needs an adjustment, how about yours?

August Challenge ~ Face Time

For all of my readers who don’t know this, I have another blog with two other moms called Happy to be at Home. We are running a carnival of sorts titled End ’08 Great, six months of challenges to end the year right. Last month was Conquer the Clutter and this month the challenge is Face Time with the Kids. This couldn’t be better timing for me. As I attempt to plan for the upcoming school year, time with my kids definitely drops way too low on my “to-do” list. Even though I am doing something for the kids (school planning), I still need to spend “face time” with them every day.

This week I have committed to spending each morning, uninterrupted with the kids. No email, phone calls, bills, lesson planning, coupons, menu planning, blogging, etc… This is tough because my inbox is always full and my phone rings frequently throughout the day.

Today we spent the morning learning spanish, coloring, playing games and reading stories. Tomorrow we have a trip to Target planned. (This is a really big deal because normally I shop alone) I haven’t figured out Thursday and Friday yet, but I think we will probably take a trip to the park and possibly a bike ride.

The bottom line is I don’t have many super great creative kid ideas, because I don’t need them! My kids desire time with me, whether it is reading, playing a game, riding bikes, or helping me in the kitchen. It doesn’t matter what we are doing, as long as we are doing it together.

Here we are attempting to play memory with a two year old. Needless to say the game ended up being played like this;  pick four to eight pieces, see if you have a match, throw the piece if you don’t like the animal you picked, if you do like the animal make the animal noise and crawl around the house. My eight year old did not really like this version of the game, but he is a rule follower. The two and four year old had a blast!