My children are aware of this blog. Some of them love of the blog and you will see them in many of the pictures. My other kids aren’t as appreciative of my work here. They don’t seem to like photographing every moment of our life, trying new recipes, and often say things like, “Is this going to be on the blog???”
My older two children have blogs of their own. My daughter writes about her life without popcorn, and my son started his blog to write about falconry, but now uses it to show off his home movies.
And even though I try to write about and encourage my readers to eat healthier foods, my children aren’t always fond of our newer way of eating. This became clear to me when I was catching up on my son’s blog last night and came across this video. It seems that over the past few years he has photographed every piece of junk food that has come into our home, and has now made a movie about it!
Ahh, I can only hope that one day he will make movies about kefir smoothies and whole grain bread, but for now I am just happy he is learning some computer skills!
How about you? Have made changes in your lifestyle over the past few years? Are your kids willing participants or do they long for the ways of old? I think my kids are much happier with the frugal changes we have made, but are less than thrilled with the banning of Little Debbies in our home. 🙂