Off to Bed?

I really wanted to get another post up tonight, but I am starting a new habit tomorrow. My dh and I will be waking at 5:45 AM to go to the gym. Ugh! I am not an early riser, and to me 5:45 is still nighttime… but he needs to get in shape, and it isn’t going to kill me to hit the gym on a regular basis.

I’ll be back tomorrow, if I survive!

Beautiful Day

It is a beautiful chilly and windy day today. Just a perfect day for making donuts. I’ll post later if they turn out!

Update: They were so easy and yummy! Recipe and pics coming as soon as I clean my kitchen!

Attention Military Shoppers

Has anyone ever done a price comparison between the commissary and Aldi? I was in a meeting on Friday and someone was quite certain that Aldi was cheaper than the commissary on most items. I have not shopped at Aldi, so I don’t know it this is true. I plan to make a trip in the next couple of weeks to confirm this, but until I go, I would love to hear some reader opinions on this. Now, if Aldi is cheaper on two items, then I don’t think it is worth it to make a trip to Aldi since the commissary is one mile away and Aldi is ten miles away. I would love to hear from some Aldi shoppers if you think you are getting a better deal. 

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