How is everyone progressing with their 2009 goals? I am sure by now there are some goals that need tweaking, others that need to be eliminated and a few that can be crossed off! This month was less productive for me since we spent most of it on vacation. The baby is coming in less than 3 months so I need to get moving on some of these goals if I want to accomplish them!
Here is my updated list for 2009.
Books to Read
- The Container Kitchen Garden
- All New Square Foot Gardening Just started this one!
- Faithful Women and Their Extraordinary God Great Book!
- Grace Walk
- God Is the Gospel: Meditations on God’s Love as the Gift of Himself
- The Harvard Medical School Guide to Healthy Eating During Pregnancy
- Heaven at Home: Establishing and Enjoying a Peaceful Home
- Instruments in the Redeemer’s Hands
- Melissa’s Great Book of Produce: Everything You Need to Know about Fresh Fruits and Vegetables
- Nourishing Traditions
- The One Year Chronological Bible NIV (One Year Bible: Niv) on track with reading
- Low-Sew Boutique: 25 Quick & Clever Projects Using Ready-Mades
- Sewing Projects in an Afternoon
- Shepherding a Child’s Heart
- When Sinners Say “I Do”: Discovering the Power of the Gospel for Marriage
Family Goals
- Family Bible time 5 nights a week – Getting there, about 4 times a week.
- Family game night once a week
- Exercise more as a family – ha! not a chance in 20 degree weather!
- Family read alouds
Financial Goals
- Purchase 15 passenger van (cash) by April 2009 – saving like crazy!
- Fund IRA
- Braces for child #3 half-way funded by end of the year
- Cut grocery budget by $50 a month – scratch Jan- spent half the month on vacation
- Live on half our income/ save or invest other half
- Save for short term goals: vacations, homeschool materials, gifts
- Start commission system for the kids
- All extra money goes into house fund
Homeschool Goals
- Restructure Bible time revamped high school, still need to work with the younger kids
- More read alouds/ less silent reading
- Research curriculum changes for 2009/2010 school year
- Homeschool – Preschool with 4 yo three days a week doing school almost every day w/ her
- Once a month library trips w/ kids
- Create system for organizing past and future books
Homemaking Goals
- Follow Motivated Moms Planner doing well so far click here to win one for yourself!
- 30 meals in the freezer by April 15th
- Create bi-monthly meal plans and shopping trips created 30 days of meals
- Organize Clothing Bins
- Paint/ refinish pantry cabinet
- Involve the kids in meal planning/ prep
- Incorporate more whole foods/ purchase less prepackaged foods in meals hot breakfasts in Feb!
- Plant container garden
- Enter all addresses into the computer
- Try two new recipes a month
- Room by room de-clutter and clean-out (one room a month should take me to 2010) Kitchen almost done
Personal Goals
- Return to pre-baby weight by August 2009
- Learn to knit
- Make most of 4 yos summer clothing
- Make cloth diapers
- Make baby sling
- Finish 3 aprons
- Go to bed 1/2 hour earlier and get up 1/2 hour earlier getting up earlier but not by choice! I think I have pregnancy insomnia!
- Take vitamins every day check!
- Have all Christmas shopping finished before Thanksgiving
Places to Visit
- Florida had a great trip, scroll through my blog for lots of pictures!
- Williamsburg
- Blissdom leaving in 6 days!
- HEAV Convention registered!
- West Virginia going in a few weeks!
- Outer Banks
Spiritual Goals
- Read through One Year Bible working on it
- Increase time in prayer
- Faithfully keep a journal haven’t started this yet 🙁
- Make attendance a priority at church functions if we can keep the kids healthy!
- Reach out to those who are different from me at church
Please link up your 2009 Goals progress! I would love to see how everyone is doing!
The fine print. Make sure you link to your goal post, not your home page so everyone can find your goals easily. Link back to this site so others can join in. Try and visit some other participants and encourage them in their goals! If you don’t have a blog leave your goals in the comment section.
For more goal accountability visit Biblical Womanhood.