Pregnancy Update ~ 33 Weeks

I promise this blog will not become The Happy Housewife’s pregnancy drama, but since many of you follow me on Twitter, you know that these past few weeks have been crazy with the pregnancy.

Yesterday, I had another doctor’s appointment and my blood pressure was lower and all my tests came back normal. She told me I could resume normal activity (some moderation) and I left the office quite happy. I spent yesterday afternoon catching up on things and making the Star Wars cake.

Today I had an ultrasound to check the baby’s size. Unfortunately, the baby is smaller than she should be, which is probably due to my fluctuating blood pressure. Since she is small I need to go back on bed rest to keep my blood pressure low and hopefully help the baby to get a bigger before she makes her arrival. I am now going twice a week for non stress tests as well as blood pressure checks, along with my regularly scheduled weekly appointment. Does anyone else think it is funny that when you have high blood pressure, they run a million tests on you and make you go to the doctor several times a week? I mean lots of blood tests and hospital visits have never lowered my blood pressure before!

In order to keep me compliant (how boring is bed rest?) my mom is flying up on Sunday to help with the kids and the house, while dh keeps his day job and does some traveling for work. My mom is no stranger to this job as three years ago she lived with us for three months while dh was in Iraq and I needed back surgery. The kids are super excited that grandma is coming up and are already planning fun activities.

My mom commented on the phone today that maybe with my bed rest I will get caught up with the blog and emails, so if you have emailed me over the past month, I might actually have time to respond!

As for now, I am sincerely thankful to all of you who have emailed, commented and sent tweets regarding the pregnancy and the baby. Please keep praying that our little one will “fatten up” and stay in place for a little while longer. We did confirm today that she is definitely a “she” so we are trying to finalize her name and finish washing all the pink blankets, sheets and gowns. They are just so tiny and adorable. I can’t believe we will actually have a little person to fill them in several weeks!


Had a Moment

This probably does not happen to first time moms, but someone with lots of kids please tell me this is common. This week I had one of those light bulb, oh we are going to have a baby moments. With less than 12 weeks left we have done nothing, nada, zilch, zip, to prepare for the baby. No name, no baby items pulled from storage, we aren’t even sure where she is going to sleep. I still haven’t registered at the hospital and haven’t made the cloth vs disposable diaper decision. Oh, and we don’t have a vehicle that will fit our entire family once the baby is born.

This week I started thinking, perhaps we should do something! It isn’t that we aren’t excited about our newest addition, we are, but life is busy around here. Aside from some very annoying leg cramps I usually forget I am pregnant until someone else reminds me or asks how I am feeling.

Lists are a favorite of mine, so perhaps making a baby “to do” list would help? The first item on the list can be name the baby. Do you all want to help with this one? We are truly stumped for a name this time around and I wouldn’t mind hearing your suggestions.

A few guidelines for those who want to contribute; we have a common last name so we like names that are a little uncommon, but not made up. Although we are not opposed to a great common name either, we are running out of choices. The name has to mean something, and of course we have to like it! The last one will be the toughest as my husband can figure out a way to make fun of any name. If you are related to me you can leave your suggestions too, just don’t get upset if we don’t use them.


Afterthought: Do not suggest the following names as they have already been suggested by my children:

  • Tinker Bell
  • Science
  • Lysol