I finally feel like I am getting ahead of the lice game. We still have a steady stream of laundry because I don’t want to take any chances of the lice spreading. In the past 5 days I have only found one live bug, so I consider that a step in the right direction. We still spending our mornings going through everyone’s hair and checking, but things are looking up.
The good news is that because we had to cancel all of our plans I got a lot accomplished this week. First I conquered Mt. Laundry. The before picture was actually taken before things got really bad. At its worst point I actually had to climb over it to get to the washer.
I cleaned off one of my desks.
I was also behind in organizing the Coupons for Troops mailing. The coupons were sorted and repackaged this weekend and mailed out today.
My kids had quite a laugh when they opened the Sunday paper. The topic of the kid’s section, lice!
Since we couldn’t go to church yesterday I baked most of my breads for the week. I will post about that later, but I’ll leave you with two pictures, any guesses what I new recipes I tried this week?
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