Yesterday I was sitting at my dining room table reading emails when my 2 year old asked if she could have a sip of my water. There wasn’t much water left in my cup when I handed it to her. I looked in the cup and noticed something unusual.
Then everyone started screaming….
Can you see what is frozen to my ice cube?
I need help. My house is overrun with flies. I do not live on a farm. I do not live near a farm. I live on a military base. A base that has been attacked by flies. As I type this on my porch, flies are everywhere. Yesterday I killed 15 on one window.
My house is not dirty, I am pretty strict about people cleaning up after themselves around here. But even my obsessive cleaning is not enough. How do I get rid of these flies? We scrubbed out our garbage can and they are still there. We seal and bag all of our garbage. We don’t have pets. How do I get rid of these pests? What has worked for you? Please help! I don’t want to be the old lady who swallowed the fly!
For more Friday Show and Tell visit my friend Mary.