Coupons for Troops: Families Needed

As many of you know, I oversee a program called Coupons for Troops. This program matches up overseas military families with stateside families who send them coupons. Groceries at overseas Commissaries are more expensive and coupons help military families serving overseas save money.

I need 5 to 10 families who are willing to donate expired coupons to military families overseas. I had a few military families sign up over the last few weeks and need to get them assigned to a stateside family. If you are interested please email me at Before you email, please read the Coupons for Troops FAQ page to make sure this is something you are able to participate in.

If you are a military family overseas would like to receive coupons please email me and I’ll match you up too.

Thanks for serving and supporting our troops with coupons!

Donate Expired Coupons to Military Families Overseas

Thank you for your interest in the Coupons for Troops program.

Coupons for Troops matches stateside families with military families serving overseas to provide them with coupons. Military commissaries overseas accept expired coupons up to six month past the expiration date. Since it is difficult for families overseas to find coupons I started the program to help provide them with coupons from families back home in the states.

Please  visit the FAQ page to learn more about the program and sign up.

Thank you for supporting the troops with coupons.

For the price of a stamp!

Long time readers of my blog know that I run a coupon program which sends coupons to our troops overseas. Certain bases accept coupons that are up to 6 months expired, while other bases accept only current coupons. For the price of a stamp you can send your unwanted or expired to overseas bases. The postage rate is the same as mailing letters and packages to a stateside address. The prices at overseas commissaries and exchanges are significantly higher than those in the states. Many military families do not make very much money to begin with, and the money they save with coupons really makes a difference. Below is an email I received today from someone who receives coupons from this program.

Oh my … do I have a story to share with you and your bloggers!  Six ladies from Singapore, 2 Air Force and 4 Navy wives, loaded up at 5:15 am Friday, November 14 for a MAC flight to Yokota AFB, Japan. We arrived successfully and hit the ground running!  Our goals were to Christmas shop, BX shop and Commissary shop. (Not only is food a challenge in cost but also selection of traditional holiday foods can not be found in  Singapore)  Clothes (Singaporeans are short and stick skinny), makeup (no need to explain) hair color (still no need), shoes (largest size for men is size 9)… do I need to go on?!  I shared the Coupons for Troops on the flight where we sorted and organized.  To make a long story short… 6 ladies total coupon savings $202!  All we used were the coupons sent to us by your generous, thoughtful Coupon for Troops participates.  The Commissary at Yokota boxed up our items and will MPS them to us free.  We boxed up the BX and BX Extra shopping ourselves and the post office will MPS them free. The MAC flights were free and lodging was $19 a night.  We boarded the 4 am flight on Monday, November 17 for Singapore weary, successful, proud and grateful!  Grateful for the support of you and your bloggers.  Seems like a little thing, to clip a coupon, but it sure adds up over time and blessed us all.
Thank you again so very much!

It is hard to believe something as simple as passing on your unused coupons could make such a big impact in these families lives, but it does! If you want more information on how you can participate in this program send an email to,

A Few Words of Thanks from our Military Families

Here are some emails I have received lately from people who receive your expired/ unexpired coupons….

Just got the first envelope filled with coupons!  It was like Christmas!  I already separated out those that I would share with my dog owner friends (we have cats).  Can’t wait to use on trip to NEX on Friday.

Thank you and to all your readers!  The coupons are awesome!  I am sharing.  Several of us ladies are getting together and taking a hop to Yokota to shop for holidays.  The commissary will mail our boxes free if we shop and pack for them.  We are excited to get to use even more of the coupons!

I just wanted to say thanks again for all the coupons you’ve sent.  I finally found some other mom’s who are “addicted” to coupons too and we’re loving all the savings.  Most shopping trips I save enough in coupons to cover the SIR charge and a good (usually $5 because we have sooo many groceries) bagger tip.

You are making a difference in the lives of many military families. If you want to find out more about sending coupons to our troops overseas email me at

Coupons for Troops

I want to start by thanking all of you who have generously donated your coupons to the Coupons for Troops campaign. I appreciate your willingness to support our troops overseas. I received thousands of coupons each week and am able to send them to bases overseas where the prices are higher and money can be extremely tight for our military families.

I recently found out that there are a few remote bases that do not have commissaries (the grocery store) but they do have an Exchange (similar to a Super Walmart). The Exchange accepts coupons, but not expired ones. As someone who has lived on a base with only an Exchange I can tell you the prices are very, very high. I am looking for people who would be willing to donate unexpired coupons to these families. If you are interested in donating coupons that are not expired please email me at and we can discuss the details.

Thanks to all who have participated in Coupons for Troops. You are making a difference!

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