12 Days of Christmas

I truly had planned a little blogging break this week, but I just have too much to say! A few more posts today and then you won’t see me again until next week. Well, I guess you don’t ever actually see me…
After a day of sitting in traffic and shopping with the entire state of Maryland I needed this little pick-me-up today.


Cutting Down the Tree

One of our family traditions is to cut down our Christmas tree each year. This tradition was pretty easy to start when we lived in WV, because there was a Christmas tree farm close by. It was a little harder in Virginia Beach, but we found a farm and cut a smaller tree than normal. I found a farm last year in Maryland that is beautiful and we plan to go again this year.

If you would like the excitement of cutting down your tree you can visit the Pick Your Own Christmas Tree website which lists Christmas tree farms all over the world. This website has lots of other information regarding how to pick a tree, how to make your tree last, as well as a list of farms that give sleigh rides.

Cutting your own Christmas tree is probably not the most frugal Christmas idea (unless you live in WV where the price of a seven foot tree is $18), but it is definitely the most fun. We usually make a day out of it. We bundle up, play Christmas music in the car, get hot chocolate or hot apple cider at the farm and then come home to decorate. We also stop at the bait and tackle store for more fishing line, but that is another story.

Here are some pictures of our Christmas tree cutting fun…




For more Works for me Wednesday visit Shannon.