Does it seem like some most days are all work and no play? I know as moms we tend to serve others first and worry about ourselves last. It is just part of being a mom. However, it is easy to harbor resentment or grow bitter towards your husband or children on those exceptionally long and trying days.
One thing that helps me maintain a cheerful heart and attitude is to place inspirational quotes in places I frequent during the day. These little nuggets of wisdom or instruction help keep my heart in the right place and remind me of what is most important. I often read these words and am encourage to finish the day strong.
My favorite verse (when it comes to working around the house) sits right above my sink, a place where I spend a considerable amount of time during the day. 🙂
If you struggle with maintaining a cheerful attitude throughout the day I would encourage you to fill your home with verses or inspirational quotes to help remind you of what is most important in your life.
One thing that struck me when I visited Dave Ramsey’s studio was that the walls were filled with inspirational quotes from a variety of sources. Even reading them as I walked through the halls motivated me to be a better steward of our finances.
Words are powerful, so use them to encourage you throughout the day. Hang them on your walls, your bathroom mirror, or above your kitchen sink. Not only will it encourage you, it will make a positive impact on those around you as well.