By looking at my header you would think I am an expert on what to bring to the hospital when you have a baby. But for some reason, this area has remained a mystery to me over the years. It never fails that once I am admitted I think of a million things I wish I would have packed and after the baby I am contantly sending my husband to the store or back home to bring me items I forgot.
So I decided to use my blog to ask for help. What do you bring to the hospital when you are having a baby? What items can’t you live without? Share your secrets with me so I can have this baby without constantly thinking I am forgetting something.
My bags are halfway packed and sitting in my room just waiting to be filled with all your great ideas!
Thanks for all the great ideas ladies, keep ’em coming! There are so many things you mentioned I would have forgotten or never would have thought to bring at all! I had to laugh at Amy‘s comment, who reminded me to bring my laptop so I can update everyone! I know the hospital has wi fi, but I am not sure how well it works. I will definitely be updating my blog, but might use twitter for more frequent updates. If you are a “birth story” junkie you can follow me on twitter to hear all about the big day in 140 characters or less!
This post is linking to Works for me Wednesday, backwards edition.