Our Sea World Adventure coming soon…
You can find more Wordless Wednesday here.
personal blog
I will be posting my Animal Kingdom adventure soon, but I wanted to pass along a few thoughts about visiting theme parks with kids.
More adventures and photos coming soon!
I am on vacation, but thought it would be fun to have a little Q & A with my readers.
My first question comes from long time reader Lawanda:
“How’d you talk your dh into having so many kids? Mine won’t budge! LOL”
Well Lawanda, you might be better off to ask my husband how he convinced me to have so many kids! In the beginning I wanted one maybe two, but probably just one. Over time my heart changed and I now see children as a blessing rather than a burden.
It is not my goal to try and convince people that six kids are better than two, or that everyone should have a million kids. I do know that having a big family is fun and not as expensive as most people think. Kids are as expensive as you let them be.
I don’t think having a big family makes you a better mother or a better Christian for that matter. It saddens me though, that when it comes to the question of family size, too often it is a question of finances rather than faith.
I could say more about this subject, but I feel it has been addressed over and over, by many people more qualified than me. I do think Octamom has written a great post titled, “Is Eight Enough?” She sums up most of my feelings on the subject in her post, so she can have the last word on this one.
Feel free to discuss family size in the comments section, but keep it friendly.
I have so many things to be grateful for this week, a safe trip to Florida, the lady in the gas station restroom who offered us her kleenex when the stall was out of toilet paper, happy travelers… but most of all I am so thankful we are able to take advantage of Disney’s Armed Forces Salute, which will cut our Disney cost in half for this vacation.
Tomorrow we are headed for our first day with the Mouse and I am surprised the kids were even able to fall asleep tonight.
Hopefully pictures and lots of fun coming tomorrow.
For more Gratituesday visit Laura.
Today was our “recover from the 15 hour car trip day.” We basically relaxed at my mom’s house and visited with family. The kids had a blast playing with their cousins and I went out to lunch with my sister-in-law. Tonight we headed to my in-laws house since they live a few minutes from the Magic Kingdom gates. We will home base from here as we go to the parks this week.
We planned out the week and tomorrow we are heading to the Magic Kingdom. One trick for the Magic Kingdom is to work your way from the back of the park to the front of the park. Most people start at the beginning and work their way back, so the back of the park is always less crowded at the beginning of the day.
Tonight we are addicting my in-laws to the Wii Fit. We are currently having a cut throat bowling match.
Here are a few pictures from our first day in Florida.
The orange tree in my parent’s back yard.
Picking oranges for some fresh orange juice. It cannot compare to anything you have ever purchased at the store.
My parent’s living room. Doesn’t it look so Florida and relaxing?
You can read Day 1 of my Florida Vacation here.
For more Talk about Tuesday visit Lara’s blog.
I decided to journal my vacation because I am really bad at writing down “memories.” Feel free to skip over these posts and get to the meat in my site, but if you want to read about taking 6 kids on a family vacation to Disney World read on.
We planned to wake up at 4 am and get on the road about 4:30. The car had been packed the night before and everything was ready to go. Usually we go to bed early, but my husband and I ended up staying up pretty late. At 3am boy #2 came in our room and flipped on all the lights…
We tried to go back to sleep, but I was wide awake. I made a command decision at 3:30 am to get up, take my shower, and start our trip. We left of the house around 4:15 am. The trip was relatively uneventful in the early morning. Unlike most children who groggily sit in the car, mine are wide awake from the first second. They are talkative, excited, and have no intention of sleeping peacefully for the first several hours.
We stopped around 7:30 for breakfast in southern Virginia. Our waitress had an accent thicker than molasses and she called us names like sugar and honey. We should have stopped at a fast food joint, but we chose Shoney’s instead. I thought the kids would fill up and perhaps eat some fruit. I was wrong as donuts were on the buffet, and most of the kids chose those over pineapple and grapes.
We got back in the car and encountered heavy traffic and bad weather. We were able to make it another 4 hours before we stopped for a bathroom break and gas. We ate lunch in the car and the kids happily watched movies.
At some point in the afternoon our four year old asked, “Are were there yet?” I wasn’t officially keeping track, but I think this was the 1,786,398 time this question was asked. I told her we weren’t and her reply was, “Well, that’s a problem for me because I really have to go to the bathroom!” We stopped again briefly for a potty break.
In Georgia we encountered heavy traffic and ended up sitting on I-95 for over an hour. We found a secondary road and finally got around whatever was causing the back up. We pulled into my parents driveway around 7:30 pm tired and ready to be out of the car. No one really slept on the trip, but seeing the grandparents gave the kids a small second wind. They all went to bed without a fight and are eagerly awaiting their cousin’s arrival this morning.
Today we plan our 5 Day Disney Adventure!
Disney ran this offer a few years ago. We were able to take advantage of it and unbelievably this offer comes the day before we are scheduled to leave for our Disney World vacation. I am so glad I waited to purchase tickets!
I just spoke with a representative Disney World and confirmed this information with guest services.
Anyone on active duty- Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard
Retired military personnel
Federal/State National Guard and Reserves (with active papers dated 1/1/08-12/23/09)
Dept of Defense (CIA, FBI, Secret Service) and Coalition Forces are excluded
The military service member will receive one Complimentary 5-Day “Disney’s Armed Forces Salute“ Ticket with Park Hopper and Water Park Fun & More – this ticket is not upgradeable.
Up to 5 of their guests can purchase for $99 a “Disney’s Armed Forces Salute Companion” (5 Day Base) ticket and can add on the Park Hopper or Water Park Fun & More option for $25 each (which is 50% off the normal price); however, these tickets may also be upgraded to Premium, Annual and Seasonal Passes. Seasonal Pass upgrade requires proof of Florida Residency. No other upgrades, such as adding on additional days or the NE option, are available.
This promotion will begin on 1/4/09 and end on 12/23/09. Tickets will expire on 12/23/09 and have no block-out dates
Tickets may be upgraded anytime between January 4th -December 23, 2009 as long as there is usage left on the ticket.
You may purchase tickets
The entire party needs to be present for purchase (Spouse or military dependents can receive the companion discount without the military service member being present as long as they have their military ID).
The military service member will need to show ID; Cast Member will ask for their Base’s name, and the State where the base is listed.
This offer is only available once per service member.
This is a great deal for military members, especially if you live near Disney and don’t have to travel! Please pass this information on to any military family you know, active duty or retired. I hope many families are able to take advantage of this offer.
I realize that most of us have taken down the tree and put all the decorations away. I have even posted my 2009 goals. But, I would regret not sharing this amazing arrangement of Carol of the Bells with you. I have always loved this song and this arrangement is awesome. Even more powerful was the poem that flashed across the screen as the song was being played. Unfortunately you cannot see all of the poem in the video so I have posted it below.
Poem by Clare Sera
It’s time.
Hushed, the frost of heaven.
Twinkling, the eyes of God
Roam. Search.
It’s timeLove
Drops like snowflakes
…to touch our faces…
Restless to arrive
In fullness.Gabriel, Go!
My beloved is ready
My perfect dove.
It’s time.Without hesitation
Gabriel flies to earth
Furrowed holy brow–
For whom does he seek?
How will he know
This favored one?A rush of wind as
In pursuit he flies
A sea of faces
A throng of bodies
Which one? Who? Where?Until
One looks up
Gabriel is foundHe falters at her gaze
Surely not this childHow can she, so frail, so human,
love enough to say–Yes.
Yes to God.
Yes to Joy!
to submission
A path of tears
A sword that pierces
that rend the human heartNo
to the world
to GodGabriel,
struck by one so weak
choosing grace to be strong
DepartedAnd all around her “yes”
Mankind moves on, oblivious
To the option
Of Grace
Of Yes
Choosing Comfort
Without Joy
Spending time buying time
Pressure hardened against
TimeAll the while…
His eye still roams
The angel still calls
A holy wind rushes above us
Do we hear it,
Can we feel it
Does your heart not pound
Does it not burst
With the call…Hail favored ones
Look up
Look up
It’s time
It’s timeBut how does a mere mortal say yes to God?
How can one so weak be strong?
“Carol of the Bells” from Northland Video on Vimeo.
I must brag just a little as my brother did the audio mix for this song, you go Todd!
These are my goals for 2009. They will probably change over the next several months, as life is always changing around here! Feel free to link up with your goals for 2009. We can all encourage each other in accomplishing our goals this year!
The fine print. Make sure you link to your goal post, not your home page so everyone can find your goals easily. If you don’t have a blog leave your goals in the comment section.
For those of you hoping I was going to show off a new hair cut, I am sorry to disappoint. I try not to make many big decisions while pregnant (like cutting my hair) because I almost always regret them. I do however love to move furniture around.
December is Laura’s last monthly round up of the year and she is finishing up with “The Living Room.” Since we had to move furniture to put up our Christmas tree I thought this would be the perfect time to try out a new look.
Before December our living room looked like this.
I really liked this set up, except for the fact that the bookcase was always a mess. Since this is the first room you see when you walk in my house I don’t like people to see a mess!
We moved things around for the tree and it looked like this.
Now the tree is gone and it looks like this.
I like this set up because it brings another chair into the room and we never have enough seats. What I don’t like about this arrangement is that my windows look bare!
If I am going to keep it this way I think I need the following:
We moved the tall bookcase to the stairwell and I really like it there so it is not coming back down. Plus it is a big pain to move all those books. The piano can be moved because it is getting fixed next month and they have to take it to the shop to fix it, but I like it on that wall.
I am not an interior decorator, my style is something like late yard sale/ hand-me-down. I would love any opinions you have to help me finish off this room!