Cora and “The Force”

Cora is doing great. She has been unhooked from everything except the monitors. Today we learned her bilirubin was a little high so they were putting her on a light blanket (not sure what the official term is for that).

Even though we knew she was going to be on the blanket we were still a little surprised when we went back to the NICU and saw this…

My husband and couldn’t help but laugh a little at the lights and the eye cover. We thought our Star Wars loving boys would just be thrilled to know that the doctors were using “the force” to fix her bilirubin.

During our visit with Cora I was able to feed her a bottle. The last time we tried to feed her she just wouldn’t eat, we would do everything to wake her up and she would just fall right back to sleep. This afternoon she drank about half her bottle so that was great.

While we were there I started to feel a little funny and then got lightheaded. My husband wheeled me back to my room and I am now stuck in bed. My blood levels are low (not sure how to spell them but they start with an H) and my blood pressure is low. I will be staying another night so they can check my levels again, if they don’t start coming up I will need a blood transfusion. Tonight I was told to stay in bed and eat some red meat. I am petrified of the hospital meat, so my husband is bringing something from the outside. I did choke down half a bowl of hospital spinach, but that was all I could handle.

At first I was upset about having to stay, but then I realized I will get another day in the hospital with Cora, yeah! There is a possibility that she may come home tomorrow, so it would be awesome if we could come home together! Hopefully she won’t be discharged before me!

More updates to come…


More Cora Pictures

I hope to post the birth story soon, but until then I have some more pictures to share. I was so happy today when I went to the NICU and Cora was off the CPAP machine. Later that afternoon my husband and mom went to the NICU and she was off even more stuff. Sorry for the non technical terms. I left all the “medical” stuff up to my husband since I was feeling so terrible. I ended up losing a lot of blood yesterday and wasn’t really able to do anything until this afternoon.

Thankfully after all sorts of medicine and shots and whatever else they gave me I am feeling much better and was actually able to get a shower tonight. I also slept for a few hours this afternoon and it feels like I slept for 2 days.

I’ll try to update more soon, the bottom line is Cora is doing very well. They have ruled out almost every potential problem and basically think she was just a preemie and her lungs weren’t quite ready to work when she was born. We are so thankful for all the prayers of everyone who knows us in real life and all my blogging friends.

Meeting Grandma


Baby Cora Update

We just got off the phone with the NICU and Cora is doing much better. I am getting ready to go over there now, so hopefully I will have more information soon.

Here is a picture from right before they took her to the NICU yesterday.

Last night we got to hold her in the NICU, it was great!

I am still not allowed out of bed without help and on an IV. I am hoping to get off it very soon so I can get a shower and move around better.

Yesterday was rough, but today is looking much better.Thank you for all your comments and prayers.


Update on Toni and Baby Cora

Cora Jane arrived this morning at 10:01 a.m. weighing in at 5 pounds 4 ounces! The delivery went well, but Toni is understandably tired. She’s doing her best to rest right now.

Baby Cora was born four weeks early, so her lungs are still a bit underdeveloped. Consequently, she’s been moved to the NICU because she’s having a little trouble breathing. Please pray that Cora’s breathing improves and that God would grant Toni and her husband comfort during this stressful time, especially since the NICU is a new experience for them.

Your prayers are coveted.

Joy Miller (a friend of Toni’s)

No Foolin’ She’s at the Hospital

Toni wanted me to thank you for your suggestions and prayers. She’s at the hospital and they’re starting pitocin. She sent me home to get some rest before the big arrival and so I could put up a post for you all.

We’ll update as soon as we can – the WiFi is down at the hospital.
The Happier Husband

You can read Cora’s birth story here.

What to Bring to the Hospital?

By looking at my header you would think I am an expert on what to bring to the hospital when you have a baby. But for some reason, this area has remained a mystery to me over the years. It never fails that once I am admitted I think of a million things I wish I would have packed and after the baby I am contantly sending my husband to the store or back home to bring me items I forgot.

So I decided to use my blog to ask for help. What do you bring to the hospital when you are having a baby? What items can’t you live without? Share your secrets with me so I can have this baby without constantly thinking I am forgetting something.

My bags are halfway packed and sitting in my room just waiting to be filled with all your great ideas!

Thanks for all the great ideas ladies, keep ’em coming! There are so many things you mentioned I would have forgotten or never would have thought to bring at all! I had to laugh at Amy‘s comment, who reminded me to bring my laptop so I can update everyone! I know the hospital has wi fi, but I am not sure how well it works. I will definitely be updating my blog, but might use twitter for more frequent updates. If you are a “birth story” junkie you can follow me on twitter to hear all about the big day in 140 characters or less!


This post is linking to Works for me Wednesday, backwards edition.

Little Things

I like my room, I like the color of the walls, my new brown quilt, the furniture my in-laws gave us. But truth be told, I am getting a little bored sitting, resting and waiting. I know it is what is best for me and the baby, but the days are long up here in my room.

On Saturday my husband took the kids to Costco for free samples and cheap pizza. They came home with these.

It is amazing how a bouquet of flowers has made my room so much more enjoyable. Even sweeter is the fact that it was my seven year old son’s idea to buy me the flowers. He even had his wallet with him and offered to pay for the bouquet.

The days just got a lot shorter with my new view.


Visit Heavenly Homemakers for more Gratituesday.

Schedules and Kids

I think schedules or at least routine is incredibly important in a child’s life. Over the years I have discovered that my children behave significantly better if they know what is expected of them on a daily basis. I use Manager’s of Their Homes as a framework for creating our schedule. I think this is a great resource, but for those who are completely unscheduled this book can be overwhelming.

Each August I create a master schedule for our family. It usually lasts about a month, and then I start to see areas that need to be modified. This is because my children change and grow each day and the things they need from me change as well.

Now that we have been schooling for eight months our schedule looks more like this.

  • 7-7:30 Kids wake up
  • 7:30-9:00 Showers, breakfast, clean-up
  • 9-10 Little girls play on rug or color at table, mom and 7 yo work on school, 8, 12, 14 yo work on independent work
  • 10-11 Three youngest play, 8 yo school with mom, 12, 14 yo independent work
  • 11-12 Three youngest play, 8 yo finishes school, 12 yo goes over work with mom, 14 yo independent work
  • 12-1 Lunch/ Clean-up
  • 1-1:30 Everyone is getting back into their routine, older kids are usually working on school
  • 1:30-2:15 Science or Social Studies with 8 and 12 yo
  • 2:15-3:00 Meet with 14 yo to go over work, check answers, discuss school
  • 3-3:30 Chores, projects w/ mom
  • 3:30-4:30 Free time

During my school time with my 7 yo, my younger two girls usually sit at the table and work on puzzles, crafts, or other preschool type toys.

My kids have been known to get up really early and work on their school work before everyone else is awake.

On Sunday nights I print out a schedule for each school aged child. The schedule details all the assignments they are to complete for the week. This allows them to work ahead if they want to.

Currently we have our family bible time in the evenings. For a few years we had one in the mornings as well as the evenings, but this year it wasn’t working. Each child has bible time in their curriculum, and we work on it individually rather than as a group.

When the weather is nice sometimes I will work with a child on the front porch so the other children can play outside. When we had a fenced back yard I would let the little children play outside in the back while I watched them through the glass doors.

I will let my 5 and 7 yo play educational computer games for a limited time during the day. I usually don’t like for them to spend more than 1/2 on the computer per day. Joy has a compiled a list of great educational sites for kids on her blog.

During the week we do not allow the children to play on the computer or watch movies. There are exceptions is someone is sick, or I am sick, but we try to limit computer/movie/ Wii time to the weekend, and even then it is limited.

My homeschool curriculum is listed on a separate page on my site.

Currently my two preschoolers are girls, when my preschoolers were boys things were much different. My girls are happy to sit, color and play at the table for long periods of time, while my boys would have considered that torture. Last year I wrote a series of posts on preschoolers, I listed them below.

What to Expect from your Preschooler

Energetic Activities

Great Preschool Books and Toys

Messy Fun

Make it Yourself Preschool Activities

Printables for Preschoolers

Many times my dining room table looks like this.

While I sit at the other end and work with another child on school.

I am a neat, organized person by nature and I start to get headaches, nausea, and the shakes when my house looks like this on a regular basis.

But, I have realized over the years that I don’t want my kids to look back and remember me like this…

While it is important to teach children responsibility and how to pick up after themselves, it is okay to let them create, make messes, and have fun, as long as they clean up when they are finished.


The Key

This is Our Story, or my journey to become The Happy Housewife. I write a new chapter every few weeks, to catch up start at the beginning.

A few years earlier in my life I decided rather foolishly to move out. On the way out the door I attempted to remove the house key from my key ring and return it to my father. He handed it back to me and told me no matter what, I could always come home.

So, I was pregnant, unhappy, and scared. For those of you who have lived on small military bases you are probably familiar with a little thing called gossip. This base excelled at gossip and it wasn’t long after I found out I was pregnant that everyone I met told me a horror story about some lady who just had a baby. It went a little something like this;

Person I hardly knew: Hi UnHappy Housewife, I heard you were pregnant.

Me: Um, yes.

Person I hardly knew: Did you hear about Phil’s wife?

Me: Um, no…

Person I hardly knew: Well she was pregnant too, the doctors let her go four weeks overdue, then when she finally went into labor she got stuck in traffic on the two hour drive to the hospital. When she got to the hospital they told her there was no one there to give her an epidural. She was in labor for 56 hours at the hospital and finally had a c-section, the baby weighed 12 pounds.

After hearing story after story I became petrified to have a baby. Between pregnancy fears and fighting with dh, I was overtaken with depression. I would spend hours on the computer (this was before internet) playing solitaire. When dh would return from work the fighting would begin and only end when he left for his next shift. I felt trapped. I had no friends, my family was an ocean away, I had no where to turn.

Because of the stress, I was losing weight, my doctor didn’t seem concerned. He told me it was normal to lose weight at the beginning of a pregnancy.

I remember sitting in the corner calling my parents, crying hysterically. I begged for them to rescue me. I was miserable, they doctor’s didn’t care about me or the baby, and my marriage to dh was a huge mistake. I wanted to go home. But my parents would remind me I was already home. I had made choices and now I needed to live with them. While I sobbed on the phone, they would calmly remind me that I needed to work things out.

Finally in the heat of an argument with dh I locked myself in the spare room and dialed my parents’ number. I was so hysterical my dad couldn’t understand a word I was saying. I was begging and pleading to move back. My dad started to explain to me why I needed to stay. In my complete hysteria I started screaming over and over, “The key! The key! You told me I could always come home! I still have the key!”

I am sure my parents agonized over their decision. I know they were worried about me and the baby, but they also believed that marriage was a commitment for life. They didn’t want me to run away from my problems, but they didn’t want my situation to get any worse. Finally after much debate and with the agreement of dh we decided it would be best for me to return to the states to have the baby.

108 days after I arrived I boarded a plane to Miami. I was going home, with no intention of ever returning.

Writer’s note: This is the story of how I became The Happy Housewife. I am writing as I have time and try to publish a new chapter every few weeks. If you don’t want to miss the next installment you can subscribe to my blog.

A Day in the Life of The Happy Housewife ~ Schedules and Real Life

In my last post I discussed my daily schedule. While I try to stick close to my schedule there are times when it isn’t going to happen. Those of you who have read my blog for a while and who know me in real life know that a few years ago my husband suffered an injury during a deployment that left him unable to drive. For about 16 months I took him to work, doctor’s appointments, therapy, and anywhere else he had to go. I was also homeschooling my kids, and taking care of my husband because many of the medications he was on left him unable to get out of bed for days at a time.

Needless to say during that time in our lives my schedule looked a lot different. Many times I was unable to plan because we would be waiting to hear from a specialist for a last minute appointment. It was almost impossible to plan for anything. Most people are not dealing with extreme situations, they are dealing with sickness, piano lessons, unexpected company, a new baby, deployments, or a struggling child. Many times these issues are temporary, but they can still take us off course very quickly if we aren’t prepared.

My advice when life happens is to prioritize. Throughout my husband’s ordeal I had two priorities, helping him and the kids. We still homeschooled but we only covered the basics. I stopped using curriculum that was teacher focused and started using books that were easier for the kids to do on their own. I still checked their work and helped them, but I tried to find materials that were easy to do in the car, at the hospital, or without me.

Some areas will have to be sacrificed. Before everything happened with my husband I was doing a great job feeding my family healthy, economical meals. When I began spending much of my week in the car or at appointments I realized that having one or two meals a week that were not so healthy were necessary for me to keep my sanity. We used a lot of paper plates that year and my kids learned to like frozen pizza.

Try to get up at the same time every day. Even though I was tired and emotionally drained I got up early and went to the gym during this time. I would listen to sermons on my iPod and it was a great stress reliever. Getting up early also allowed me to be dressed and ready to go before the rest of the house woke up. I was prepared for the day, no matter what happened.

I relied on technology to help me with the kids. There were days that I would spend four hours in waiting rooms with most of my children. (That did not include the 45 minute drive each way) Four hours is a long time for a 3 or a 5 year old to sit with nothing to do. We would have backpacks with crayons, books and other small toys, but a waiting room is still a waiting room. I finally realized that is was okay to bring the laptop and let them play a game on the computer or watch a dvd. I have never been a big fan of using the television as a baby sitter, but I realized that if your kids don’t watch it, when you do need it, it keeps them spellbound for hours.

Stop focusing on what you are not doing and find the good. Usually when we find ourselves out of routine it is for two reasons, one we are lazy or two we are dealing with outside circumstances. If you are lazy, shape up… but if you are dealing with outside circumstances realize that you cannot do everything. Focus on one thing you would like to accomplish each day. Perhaps it is making one meal from scratch, making sure everyone has clean underwear, reading a book to your preschooler, getting through math with your fourth grader, paying the bills, vacuuming the family room, or making it to all your appointments. Set small goals for each day.

If things are really tough, ask for help. If people offer to bring a meal or help with the kids accept the help! Life is not a contest to see who had it the worst and who handled it the best. By saying no and not accepting help you are preventing people from serving your family in a time of need.

Realize that in most cases the situation is temporary. If it is not temporary you will need to redefine normal, but most of the time a sick child will get better, the deployment will end, the baby will start sleeping, or the company will come and go. I tend to think about it in terms of how will my current situation affect me in five years? Most of the time I realize I will probably laugh about it, or feel thankful that I had the opportunity to learn from the experience. When things seem crazy take a step back from the situation and find perspective.


I realize this post discusses big interruptions in schedules, for little interruptions I would encourage you to keep going with your day.  Sometimes we get so worked up with our distractions we forget to just do the next thing. Take each interruption as it happens and then move on with your day.

Coming up next… What my kids do all day.