Deployment Day #70

I think it is safe to say I do not like winter. I’ve been reading everyone’s Facebook status’s sharing their below 0 temperatures and I’m secretly thinking…

“It doesn’t matter to me, I’m not planning on leaving my house anyway.”

Except I had to open my back door a few times today.

First, because I caught my boys skateboarding on our frozen pool cover. Although it did look like a bunch of fun, I’m fairly certain that it is a really bad idea.

I’m not sure why it is a bad idea, but I can only assume skateboarding on something that isn’t supposed to be walked on, even if it is frozen, is a really bad idea.

Then I saw a few videos on the internet (mistake #1) that showed people throwing a cup of hot water into the air and turning it into snow or steam or something.

So I dragged all my kids outside so we could try it (mistake #2). But because it was a spur of the moment thing and they were all eating breakfast no one was dressed to be outside (mistake #3). And then it wasn’t quite cold enough for it to work (mistake #4). So I tossed the water, half of it turned to snow, the other half fell on the grass.

The kids were confused. They kept saying, “when are you going to show us the trick?” I contemplated trying it again but since I was wearing my usual flip flops and socks my feet were numb and I decided we’d just chalk it up to another experiment gone wrong and go back to our cereal.

Cora took my phone today while we were doing school. She loves to take pictures. Here’s her blurry shot of our day.

school day

We had a good day.

Tomorrow I’m taking six kids to the dentist. Two of them have tried every trick in the book to get out of it and two are really excited. The other two don’t care. It should make for some good blog material.

My husband has been deployed to the Middle East for 274 days.  These are my real thoughts expressing my heart during his absence.  I appreciate your prayers and kind words as we cope, adapt, and carry on without him until August 2014.  To read from the beginning, click here.

Deployment Day #69

Today was a great day. We got all our school finished, the kids played, read books, and generally had a good day.

We’ve had bags of leaves in our backyard for two months, or so. For some reason I decided that today was the day to get them to the curb. So my big boys took care of it. And since we are from Florida one of them thought wearing a hoodie would be sufficient.


There he is curled up under my desk by the heating vent.

It’s really cold here. Since I get cold at any temperature below 72 I’ve decided I’m not going outside until April, maybe May. I’m not sure exactly how that is going to work, but that’s my plan.

I finally feel like I’m over the funk I’ve been in for the last few weeks. Nothing has really changed except my attitude which I guess is all that needed to change in the first place.

Maybe I’ll open my birthday presents tomorrow….

My husband has been deployed to the Middle East for 274 days.  These are my real thoughts expressing my heart during his absence.  I appreciate your prayers and kind words as we cope, adapt, and carry on without him until August 2014.  To read from the beginning, click here.

Deployment Day #68

Not having a birthday is so much better.

Today I decided to stop trying to be everything and decided to just be.

There was a lot of stuff that needed to get done that didn’t get done. Tons.

But when I tucked my girls in bed, my nine-year-old said to me,

“Today seemed like the days we had when daddy was here, fun.”

I kissed her on the cheek and promised her tomorrow would be the same.

He wanted to make his leftover dinner seem like a restaurant dinner. Don’t worry that’s grape juice.

My husband has been deployed to the Middle East for 274 days.  These are my real thoughts expressing my heart during his absence.  I appreciate your prayers and kind words as we cope, adapt, and carry on without him until August 2014.  To read from the beginning, click here.

Deployment Day #66 & 67

So my site broke this weekend. When I first started blogging and my site broke I would freak out. I would spend hours on my computer and on the phone with the hosting company trying to get it fixed.

Maybe I’ve grown up, or maybe I’m just apathetic but I just rode it out today. And when it finally started working again all the content from the last week was gone. Forever.

The first think I thought of was the deployment series. I did not want to lose these posts. The rest of it I could live without, but not my little online diary.

I was able to find most of the old posts through the daily emails so most of them are back up, but all the comments are gone. 🙁

Deployment day 66 is totally gone since my site crashed while it was saved but not published.

It’s probably a good thing because it was basically a pity party!

Today is my birthday. As far as birthday’s go, I’ve had better, but I’ve also had worse. I really just wanted the day to be over as soon as possible.

Things are not even that bad, I mean there is a bunch of little crap, but nothing terrible. We have a house, food on the table, the kids like each other, we finished cleaning out the playroom today and only found two rotting bananas, things are good.

But throughout the day I kept getting those Facebook notifications whenever someone wished me a happy birthday. You know, where people say things like hope you had an amazing day, hope you had fun, you deserve a day off….

All the stuff I write on people’s walls when it’s their birthday.

Except my day wasn’t amazing. It was crummy. I didn’t enjoy it, get a break, or sleep in. It was just like every other day, except because I wanted it to be something better I spent the day frustrated that it was just like every other day.

Ahh, expectations. Being as old as I am now I should know better. I’ve had more bad birthdays than good- but yet every year I expect something better, not spectacular, just different.

It made me think about how I treat people on their birthday. Do I really care if they had a good day? What have I done to make their day different?

Usually it is nothing. That needs to change.

Don’t get me wrong. I really love all the Facebook birthday messages. I love reading them, they put a smile on my face. But it just didn’t seem right, not this year.

I’ve spent many birthdays with just me and kids so I’m not sure if it is the deployment or maybe I just don’t want to get any older.

I actually feel bad for feeling bad. Isn’t that ridiculous?

I’m sure tomorrow will be better.

My husband has been deployed to the Middle East for 274 days.  These are my real thoughts expressing my heart during his absence.  I appreciate your prayers and kind words as we cope, adapt, and carry on without him until August 2014.  To read from the beginning, click here.

Deployment Day #65

As I mentioned yesterday, today we tackled the playroom.

The playroom is a wine cellar that we converted into a playroom since the two bottles of wine we buy a year doesn’t really justify having an entire room dedicated to it.

And since we have approximately 1,239,775 toys turning that space into a playroom seemed like a good idea.

The problem is that the room is in the basement.

Being a Florida girl, I like to pretend we don’t have a basement because that means I have less space to keep clean. Our oldest son has a room down there and my gym is down there, but the gym is right next to the stairs so I don’t have to go any further into the basement to get to the gym.

Since the deployment started I’ve basically ignored the basement. Actually I’ve been ignoring it since I moved in, but sometimes I send the Commander down there to motivate the kids (aka threaten to throw away all the toys) and get it cleaned up.

Waiting 65 days to go into the playroom was a critical error on my part.

I glanced at the playroom the other day and noticed it needed, well let’s just say, an extreme makeover. Since my oldest was home from work I decided today would be the day to tackle the room.

Now normally when I enter a hazard zone I get upset with the kids for not taking care of their things. Today I vowed not get upset no matter what I found in the playroom.

No matter what. 

I’ve noticed that the kids don’t really like big cleaning projects if all they get is negative comments from me about how they are poor stewards of their things.

Whether this is true or not, it makes cleaning rather miserable and they end up being reluctant workers.

So, today was going to be different. Cleaning was going to be fun!

Then I entered the hazmat zone.


Since I vowed not to get upset, it is only appropriate that the first thing I found when pulling out the bins was my son’s backpack.

With a 1/2 gallon of ice cream in it.


Thank goodness the lid was on and I’m cheap and keep my house pretty cold in the winter. The ice cream had only leaked a little bit, creating a nice white-ish green slime seeping through the backpack.

I mean who puts ice cream in a backpack and then puts it in the playroom? Upon closer inspection I noticed that the backpack not only had ice cream but sprinkles in it too- so this child (I’m thinking Cora) was totally ready for a picnic!

The entire thing made me want to vomit so I stuffed it in a trash bag and moved on.

I think finding the rotting ice cream backpack first thing was a good start to my day. What could top that?

We then dumped out all the bins of Lego’s, K’Nex, Bionicles, Playmobil, and Imaginext.

I’m pretty good at identifying Playmobil pieces but after that I’m useless. We sorted these little pieces for over three hours.


As I was sorting I decided that this job should replace and interrogation methods the government is currently using. I would have done just about anything to get out of sorting those little pieces that all LOOK EXACTLY THE SAME!!!!

Of course my kids could tell me in exact detail how they were different and how Bionicle had circles and K’Nex circles weren’t really circles at all. The whole time I’m thinking, if it is so easy how come you never do it?!?!

We found all sorts of exciting things in our bins including backs of television remote controls that had been missing for months, about two hundred batteries, and even a tooth.

The tooth didn’t phase me because I was still feeling woozy from the ice cream slime.

We found a few things that we couldn’t identify, but out of concern for public health I made the kids throw them away before we could review them closely.

But we kept smiling and I even started playing DJ letting the kids pick their favorite songs to listen to while we sorted. This was actually a devious plan on my part to take a break from sorting because I was about to go crazy.

See it almost looks like we are having fun here.

Also notice how the kids have to touch everything for 10 seconds before they put it in the bin.

As I’m putting items in the bins I’m mentally timing myself to see how long it takes and then estimating how long it will take to finish the job based on my speed, accounting for the disposing of teeth, rotting backpacks, and random toilet paper bits (hopefully unused).

After about three hours I realized we were all going crazy. I was actually impressed and surprised my kids made it that long without a total meltdown.

We took a break for lunch.


And dressed up in wigs, and dressed up the dogs. Because we now knew were our wigs were. They were at the bottom of Lego bin #7.

After lunch we got back to cleaning.

As the hours went by the kids got a little crazier. At some point they were dancing in their underwear (only the littles, we’re not that crazy) and then the dramatics started.

I think she was kidding.

I told her she wouldn’t die in the basement because there was plenty of food down here.


Banana with a side of dollhouse anyone?

We cleaned and sorted for nine hours.


We aren’t finished, but we made good progress. Hopefully we’ll finish it up this weekend.

My husband has been deployed to the Middle East for 274 days.  These are my real thoughts expressing my heart during his absence.  I appreciate your prayers and kind words as we cope, adapt, and carry on without him until August 2014.  To read from the beginning, click here.

Deployment Day #64

Christmas tree is down!

I spent most of the day trying to get all the business bookkeeping done from 2013. If I were to rank my least favorite things, bookkeeping would be close to the top of the list. But most of it is done and my girls went to the farm to play for the day so everyone is happy.

Tomorrow we are cleaning out the playroom. If I were to rank my least favorite things, cleaning out the playroom would be in the top five. I’m trying to have a positive attitude. Trying.

The boys went shooting today. Not only did their dad’s coworker take them to the range, he took lots of pictures.

ACgun TCgun


My husband has been deployed to the Middle East for 274 days.  These are my real thoughts expressing my heart during his absence.  I appreciate your prayers and kind words as we cope, adapt, and carry on without him until August 2014.  To read from the beginning, click here.

Deployment Day #63

I think I should start a Christmas tree watch…. how long will Happy’s tree stay up?!?!

Seriously, I think I’m going to take it down soon.


I thought I would take it down tonight, but then I got busy, so I didn’t.

I’ve never had my tree up in January. Never. It seems strange to have it in my family room when we’re watching college football bowl games.

Christmas trees and college bowl games don’t go together in my house. icon smile Deployment Day #63

The girls (except Cora) made it up until midnight. I’m proud of them. They really wanted to stay up and they did it. They’ll probably be a mess of tired because of it, but at least they can say they stayed up until midnight.

My boys are going shooting with a guy that works with their dad. They are excited about getting some boy time. I don’t like loud noises or cold weather so I’m thankful this guy is willing to take my boys out.

It’s stuff like this that really matters during a deployment. Folks who are willing to give up a few hours of their day to give something to my kids that I can’t.

I’m thankful.

My husband has been deployed to the Middle East for 274 days.  These are my real thoughts expressing my heart during his absence.  I appreciate your prayers and kind words as we cope, adapt, and carry on without him until August 2014.  To read from the beginning, click here.

Deployment Day #62

My Christmas tree is still up.

Usually we take the Christmas tree down the day after Christmas, actually there have been a few years where the tree has come down on Christmas day. We put our tree up early so by the time Christmas roles around I’m ready for it to be gone!

The funny thing is that usually I take it down by myself so the deployment has little to do with the fact that it is still up.

I think the reason I’m putting it off is that most of our Christmas decorations are still packed from the move and I really need to open them all and figure out what we need to keep, get rid of, and what isn’t really Christmas, but got packed in those boxes by the movers.

I’m sure there are things in those boxes that I’ve been looking for since we moved here. I’m not usually a procrastinator, but this is my frog!



In other news, my son is dog sitting his friend’s dog. It’s funny, because I was just thinking that another dog would be just the thing I needed to keep me busy around here. Or not! icon wink Deployment Day #62

One the bright side, I’m almost caught up on laundry.


My husband has been deployed to the Middle East for 274 days.  These are my real thoughts expressing my heart during his absence.  I appreciate your prayers and kind words as we cope, adapt, and carry on without him until August 2014.  To read from the beginning, click here.

Deployment Day #61

I got a Facebook message from an old friend. She’s not old, she’s just been a friend for a long time. 🙂

She knew me during the first deployment and was at my house almost every day. She gets it.

She also gets it because out of the last 36 months her husband has been deployed 30.


She told me to hang in there. She shared how last year she didn’t even put up Christmas decorations, how it seems like she hasn’t made dinner in about a year, and how her kids are handling everything.

Her message was encouraging, because sometimes it feels good knowing that you’re not the only one who feels like skipping Christmas, or serves cereal for dinner, or gets mad because he left.

During our last deployment we lived on a base and were surrounded by folks who were either going through exactly we what we were going through or who had been there before.

Now we live in a neighborhood where people work Monday through Friday and go to the mall and out to dinner on the weekends.

Nice folks who don’t understand why anyone would want to skip Christmas or eat cereal three nights in a row.

Writing this every day (or most days) has been one of the hardest things I’ve done in a long time. It’s hard to put it out there and there’s always this nagging feeling that people will think I’m a terrible wife, parent, or friend.

But after reading my friend’s message I realized that hearing from someone else that the things I’m feeling were NORMAL made a huge difference. I felt like this weight had been lifted from me.

It’s like there is a little club (although it isn’t that little anymore) for folks who have gone through it. They understand most things without even asking a question.

They just get it.

It’s pretty awesome in a strange way.

My husband has been deployed to the Middle East for 274 days.  These are my real thoughts expressing my heart during his absence.  I appreciate your prayers and kind words as we cope, adapt, and carry on without him until August 2014.  To read from the beginning, click here.

Deployment Day #59 & 60

I’m finally better. Well mostly better. Better enough to make meals and start cleaning up Christmas. Today the I spend five hours cleaning out the girls’ room. Five hours.

Who invented the Rainbow Loom?!?!?!?!?!?!? 🙂

My sister is in town and that’s always fun and a welcome distraction. The kids opened up their Christmas gifts from my sister last night and Cora got a little pair of hot pink slipper boots. She loves them. I mean loves them. They are furry and glittery and pink. Which is everything Cora likes.

She wants to wear them to church and even went to bed wearing them.

We got a box of goodies delivered from my sweet friend Stef and a box of popcorn from my friend Connie.


We also got signed up for grocery delivery. I’ve always thought it sounded like a cool idea, but I wasn’t sure about it. I think my sickness was too much for the Commander so he ordered groceries for us. I’ll let you know what I think of it soon since I didn’t see the price tag!

Our eleven year old is really missing dad. His prayer at dinner was to keep dad safe and that Christmas just wasn’t the same without him.

I’m trying to figure out how to help him get through this, but I don’t have many ideas. He got to talk to his dad for a long time tonight, which helped. I think they talked for two hours, maybe longer. I have no idea what they talked about but I know he was in a much better mood when he got off the phone.

I got an email today from a reader encouraging me to hang in there. She reminded me not to lose my sense of humor. Lately I’ve misplaced it. I plan on getting it back today. Thank you!


My husband has been deployed to the Middle East for 274 days.  These are my real thoughts expressing my heart during his absence.  I appreciate your prayers and kind words as we cope, adapt, and carry on without him until August 2014.  To read from the beginning, click here.