Our Story ~ This was all a HUGE Mistake

Note: From now on dh will be referred to as Sailor. If you are new to my site you might want to read the previous chapters in Our Story before reading on.

After our three weeks together Sailor left for Panama. For several weeks we called and wrote letters talking mainly about our newborn daughter. She was an absolutely delightful baby which was good since I had no idea what I was doing. When she was seven weeks old I went back to school full time and she spent three days a week at the babysitter’s house. During evening classes she hung out with my family and never lacked for attention.

As time went on Sailor and I drifted slowly apart. His letters came less and less often until they stopped coming all together. I busied myself with school and friends and adjusted to life as a single mom. I still wrote regularly with baby updates and mailed videos of her swinging in her swing or sitting in her chair, but only because I felt obligated.

Finally Thanksgiving weekend I decided it was time to have a talk with Sailor. I called him and told him I wanted a divorce. We were two different people, with two different lives, and we had nothing in common. Wasn’t it better just to call it all a big mistake and move on? Sailor didn’t see it that way at all. Even though he had stopped writing he still had a daughter whom he cared very much about, he wasn’t about to lose her…

He told me there was no way we were getting a divorce and if I proceeded he would fight me for custody of our daughter. This upset me terribly because she didn’t even know him, he had only seen her for 3 weeks of her life. How dare he try to take away MY daughter. To make matters worse he informed me that he was purchasing a plane ticket and would be arriving the next day so we could work things out.

In my opinion, there was nothing to work out. This had all been one big mistake, it was better to move on with our lives than to continue. Nevertheless he arrived the next day with plans to stay for a month.

Much to my surprise my parents were completely behind Sailor, they did not think we should get a divorce and were determined to help us work it out. They even scheduled several sessions with a counselor they knew from church. This caused me to grow even angrier as I now felt the entire world was against me. I really believed it would be better for my daughter and I to start over, it could not be good for a child to grow up with two parents who didn’t even like each other.

At our first counseling session I steeled myself in the chair with arms crossed determined not to show one ounce of emotion. I answered the questions with one word and listened as Sailor claimed to want to work things out. I thought to myself that he was only doing this to get back at me for wanting to take his daughter, he says one thing to the counselor and then does something else when we are together. With each counseling session my bitterness grew and grew.

Finally at one of our last sessions (before Sailor was to return to Panama) the counselor gave sailor a stack of books to read. He told Sailor that he must read them in order for our marriage to work. I remember thinking that no book in the world was going to make our marriage work, but at least I didn’t have to read anything. School was starting in a few days and I would have plenty of homework to keep my busy. The counselor also told Sailor he would need to write me a letter once a week once he was back in Panama. Sailor assured him that he would, while I knew there was no way he would keep his promise.

Finally Sailor returned to Panama and I was free once again. I knew it was only a matter of time before he went back to his old ways, once he didn’t have my parents and the counselor checking up on him. At the end of the first week I was surprised when I found a letter from Sailor in the mailbox. I was even more surprised when I opened it and found out that he had been reading some of the books the counselor had given him.

As the weeks went on more and more letters arrived in the mailbox. Sailor was eagerly reading every book the counselor had given him. I was hesitant to believe he could change. During this time Sailor received new orders. He We would be moving to a small town in West Virginia.

Was I ready to move away from the safety and security of my family? What about my degree, I only needed 30 more credits to graduate. Would I be moving back in with an angry man or had he really changed? And what about our little girl? Was I ready to be a full time mom without the help of baby sitters, grandparents, and an aunt and uncle?

What change had occurred in Sailor, that made me think I should give this marriage another try?

Writer’s note: This is the story of how I became The Happy Housewife. I am writing as I have time and try to publish a new chapter every few weeks. This page will be updated when I write the next chapter. If you don’t want to miss the next installment you can subscribe to my blog.

Paid to Pitch?

The mommy blog world is abuzz regarding a recent article published by the Wall Street Journal. The  article addresses bloggers, product reviews, and paid posts and essentially asks if bloggers are selling out.  Since everyone seems to be talking about this article I decided it would be a good time to let you (my readers) know where I stand on the whole product review/ advertising/ paid post issue.

1. I am never compensated with money for any post I write. Everything I write about on this blog are my opinions, unless I am quoting someone else, and then it should be obvious.

2. I do accept products for review. My review policy is simple, if you want me to review your product you need to give me a sample. And, as a courtesy to my readers I also ask for another item to giveaway.

3. I do not accept products for review that do not embrace the themes of this blog. I receive emails every day from companies wanting me to review their products. I say no to almost all of them because they are not things I could support. You will never see me reviewing Happy Meals or mini blinds because those items are not relevant to my site.

4. Because of #3, my reviews are usually positive. If there is a negative, I will not hesitate to address it.

5. There are times when I love something so much that I will write about it and promote it without being asked by the company. Over the past year I have written about my love of OxiClean, Dave Ramsey, the Vita-Mix, Motivated Moms and other products. These companies have no idea I am writing about their product, I don’t need free stuff to write about things I like.

6. Sometimes I write about products and then the company contacts me regarding a giveaway or review. If I have already endorsed a product I am happy to give one away to a reader and share the fun!

7. The main goal of my blog has been and will always be to help my readers live a happier, simpler, healthier, greener, and thriftier lives. My readers always come first.

When I am interested in a product I research the product online. Many times my research leads me to blogs. When I am reading a review of a product, I am interested to know if the person was compensated for the review. I don’t mind paid posts, as long as I know that is what I am reading. When I watch a television commercial I know I am viewing a paid advertisement. When I am reading a blog the line is easily blurred. Rest assured the lines here will always be clear.

What do you all think? Is there a right or a wrong way to handle product reviews/ promotions? Can a blogger write too many reviews? Do you trust and/or use blogs when trying to find information about a certain product? If your favorite blogger recommends something are you more likely to try it? Share your thoughts below.


Coming next week: A guide to writing product reviews.

A Day in the Life of the Happy Housewife ~ Finding a Blogging Balance

A question from Stephanie:

I love this q&a series. I would love to know more about how you fit blogging into your busy life? I am still trying to manage that one.

The short answer is, I don’t!

When I started this blog almost 18 months ago it was with the purpose of sharing tips and tricks regarding our journey to financial freedom. It quickly became much more as I realized I had a lot to say about everything! In the beginning I had a handful of people reading my blog and it was easy to respond to comments, regularly visit other blogs, and answer emails, there just weren’t that many.

Today things are much different. As much as I would like to I cannot answer every email, comment, and read all the blogs of people who visit mine (although I still visit many). I struggle with feelings of guilt because I don’t want to let my readers down by ignoring them or not helping them with a problem. But, my family is my first priority. They come before the blog, comments, emails, twitter, facebook, and everything else I do in my free time.

Free time.  What is free time? I once told my friend I can only do a certain number of things well at any given time. It seems if we are doing well with homeschooling and eating healthy the house is a wreck. If the house is clean I am behind on laundry. If the house and clothes are clean and school is going well we are probably eating Lucky Charms for dinner.

So where does blogging fit in to my jam packed life as a military wife and homeschooling mom of 7?

I like love blogging and people have told me they benefit from my posts. It is important to me to make time in my schedule to maintain this site. It is more important that I home school my kids, cook dinner, read my bible, read to my kids, clean my house, and do many other things. As long as I am getting the most important things done in my life then I think spending several hours a week on my site isn’t a big deal, because that is how I am choosing to schedule my time.

Schedule blogging? Yes… even my blog has to stay on a schedule or it would quickly take over my life! I try to write all my weekly posts on the weekend. This usually takes a few hours, since I am writing 7 to 10 posts. I then schedule them to post throughout the week. I do occasionally write posts throughout the week, but since Cora has been born I haven’t had much time to write during the week. I do try to respond to emails (although lately that hasn’t happened) and interact on twitter. But basically I am always behind.

My head is filled with ideas for this site, but because my time is limited many of them might not happen for a while. In the next few months I hope to start a radio show, create a forum for this site, edit several cooking videos, expand the Coupon for Troops program, create a few screen casts, host several more giveaways, plus I have 25 unfinished posts sitting in drafts and a notebook full of ideas!

Here is one tip I have for those of you blogging and struggling with a balance. Do not create pressure on yourself by participating in every meme, obsessing over stats, or relentlessly promoting your site. I can assure you that good, consistent writing will build readership over time. You will receive more comments, over time. A popular blog does not happen overnight (well it can, but those people are spending 60 + hours a week on their site). If the site is not your job then treat it like any other hobby in your life. Work on it when you have time but keep it in perspective.

I try not to sit down at the computer if there are other pressing things that need to be done. How you define pressing is probably different than how I define pressing but I don’t like to sit at the computer while chaos unfolds around me.

So, if there is dirty laundry piled high or dirty dishes in the sink, I am not on the computer until those jobs are completed. I am not going to work on the blog while my kids watch cartoons instead of working on school.

So I guess, what I am saying is that I am always struggling to find the balance. But I much prefer blog guilt to mommy guilt. While I think it is fine to blog and read blogs don’t let it take over your life. Figure out your priorities and decide where blogging fits. If you think it is taking over your life take a break from blogging for a while and reconnect with the world around you.


This post is linking to Works for Me Wednesday.

My Camera

Many of you have asked about my new camera.

It is a Canon Digital Rebel XSi 12.2 MP Digital SLR Camera with EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS Lens (Black). I bought it from Amazon. I paid $699 for the camera and $19 for an 8 gig memory card. Amazon was not the cheapest, but I felt they were the most reputable online dealer and the price difference was about $20 between them and the cheapest store.

I have been looking at digital SLR camera’s for months. Over the past month I had narrowed it down to 4 cameras, the Nikon D60, D90 and the Canon XSi and 40D. I was actually leaning towards the Nikon until I went to the store and held the Canons and the Nikons. The Canon just felt “right” in my hands. I really don’t know how else to explain it. The Canon also had a few features that the Nikon didn’t have, but the decision was made after I held the cameras. Once I decided on a Canon I looked at the XSi and the 40D and decided that the 40D was really more camera than I needed. It is an awesome camera, but I wouldn’t get my money’s worth because although I am not a beginning photographer, I am no MckMama.

It is too early for me to write any sort of meaningful review about the camera, but I will say that I was taking the pictures you see below less than 15 minutes after I opened the box. It is set up so that if you just want to point and shoot, you can do that and get great pictures. It also has a fat manual and lots of options that I have yet to explore.

Now, the big question… how does The Happy Housewife get away with spending over $700 on a camera? I saved my money. Every month my husband and I each get “blow” money. That money is ours to spend however we would like. Dave Ramsey recommends budgeting blow money and I completely agree. It gives each person freedom to have a little (or a lot depending on your budget) of spending money that is not controlled by the other person.

In our budget we each get $50 a month to spend. I have been saving my money since last August. All you math majors will quickly see that $50 a month x 10 months does not equal $700. The other $200 came from Swagbuck’s gift cards and blog money.

As I am sure you have noticed, many blogs run ads on their sidebars. I decided to run ads to help pay for the site, since before December any costs related to the site were paid for out of the family budget and I didn’t think that was fair to my family. Since ads are paid based on traffic and my blog has grown over the past several month the ads on the sidebar have paid for all site costs and brought in a little extra.

I decided (and my husband was in agreement) that the extra money would go towards the camera since I take a lot of pictures for the blog. I also take a lot of pictures for my family. In fact I would guess that less than 5% of the photos I take end up on the site. I love taking photographs and most of the pictures on the walls of our house are pictures I have taken of my family. It is what I love!

So, there you have it. I plan to write an in depth review of the camera later this summer once I have a chance to explore more of its features, but I hope that answers your questions for now.

Oh, one final point. You don’t need a $700 camera to take great pictures. There are many great photo blogs that share all sorts of tricks and techniques to help you create beautiful photos. Some of my favorite pictures were taken with my $150 digital Fuji camera. Also, photo editing software can turn so-so photos in beautiful photos. Picnik is a great program and it is free!

A few pics from my new camera.

What are your favorite photo sites? Share them in the comments below.

A note to Katie: No, I have not figured out Adobe Photoshop Elements 6 yet. I have only owned it for 24 hours though. I plan on checking Photoshop Elements 6: The Missing Manual out from my library and trying to figure it out.


A Day in the Life of The Happy Housewife ~ More Questions

Here are answers to a few more of your questions.

Is there a separate room for school?

Our house has a living room, dining room, and family room. Our living room has become our school room. We have a school table in the room, the computer, and all the school books. The school table is short so it isn’t comfortable for me to sit there for long periods of time. I usually sit at the dining room table because it is huge and we have comfy chairs. The kids who are working with me sit at the table, as well as the kids who need a little extra supervision.

When do you clean, sort through papers, file papers?

As I mentioned before we try to keep the house clean on a daily basis. I realize I sound like a broken record but  has been the best tool for staying on top of household chores. We do our big cleaning on Saturday morning. I hate to file papers. I have a small desk in the kitchen and I keep all non school paperwork on the desk. Above the desk are cabinets that store my binders, which are my filing system. I usually wait until I cannot see the top of the desk and then file. It really doesn’t take me that long, and I am not sure why I procrastinate in this area of my life. The good thing is that since I try to do everything online (regarding bills) I don’t have a ton of papers to file. It usually takes about two months for my desk to get to critical condition.

From Courtney, Would you mind sharing more about the projects that you have scheduled everyday? What kinds of things do you do? Do you quit when your allotted time is up, or keep working? Do you break things up to finish over several days?

The projects I work on during the day are basically everything you see on my Tackle it Tuesday posts. They can be anything from cleaning out the fridge or pantry to making a purse. I have found that with a lot of people living in a small space the clutter builds up quickly. If the project is something that the kids are helping with I try to make it a 30 minute project. Usually, with so many helping hands, most projects can be tackled in that time. For projects that I am doing myself I usually set a time limit. If I don’t finish the entire project I will stop when my time is up and continue working on it the next day. Years ago I would plow through projects regardless of time. This usually meant that dinner would be late, or we would end up ordering pizza because I was consumed with my project. I found that most of my projects can be spread out over a few days and I am still able to get my regular “jobs” done.

From Rachel, Have you considered cleaning with vinegar and water instead of chemical-based cleaners?

Absolutely, this is something I hope to do once the baby is born. For those of you who are interested in making your own cleaners Rachel has some resources on her site.

From Sarah: What are your little girls wearing at the table to do their crafts?

My girls are wearing large plastic smocks. I purchased them at a yard sale years ago. They are great for keeping their clothes clean. Before I had those I used my husband’s old t-shirts, they worked well too.

From Larry, I maybe asking a question that is answered therein but I missed it. I read your “story” and it ends with you discovering you were pregnant. Are you or have you written the rest? I’d love to hear the rest of the story.

I have not written the rest of the story. This story is actually very hard for me to write because I am not proud of my behavior and have a hard time letting people see the yucky side of me. At the same time, I feel there are reasons for this story to be written. I try to write a “chapter” every two weeks.

I think I have answered all the questions. If I missed one please remind me, feel free to leave any other questions in the comment section.


Cora’s Quilt

Remember my friend who helped clean my room and make a baby sling? Well she totally outdid herself by showing up at my house on Saturday with a gift for Cora.

I’d link to her blog, but she doesn’t have one. She must be too busy helping people clean and making them gorgeous quilts to have time to blog.

She even quilted Cora’s name in the quilt.

As you can see Cora loves her quilt almost as much as I do.


This post is linking to Talk about Tuesday.

And Baby Makes Three

This is Our Story, or the story of how I met my husband, got married a few weeks later, and eventually became The Happy Housewife. This story has a beginning, but no end… yet. I publish a chapter every few weeks, so if you don’t want to miss an installment subscribe to my blog.

As I sat on the airplane a feeling of relief swept over me. There was no sadness, not even regret, just relief to finally be free of my problems (or so I thought). My relief was short lived as shortly after everyone boarded the plane I heard my name being called over the intercom system. It was at this point in my life that I realized why innocent people run from the police. I knew I had done nothing wrong, but I didn’t want to come to the front of the plane. What could possibly be the problem? I was not going to get off that airplane, I was leaving and no one was going to stop me.

After about 30 seconds of contemplating not identifying myself, I realized I did not want to spend the night in jail in a foreign country (not sure why I thought I would end up in jail) and I made my way to the front of the plane. Once I reached the front they told me there was a problem and that I need to go to security. I could not believe this was happening. I was led off the plane and through the airport where eventually I ended up in a room with several security people and all my luggage. My luggage was not the nice black stuff with wheels and zippers either. It was old with clasps that made a clicking sound when they were shut, except the clasps didn’t work so well so we had duct taped my luggage together so it didn’t fall apart.

The duct tape had been cut off and my luggage was open and they were going through all my stuff. I felt like this was all a very, very bad dream, but it wasn’t, it was real and happening to me. Then a female security guard patted me up and down as I watched in horror as they tore apart my luggage. Finally after several minutes they decided I was not a threat I was told I could reboard the plane. My luggage however was in total disarray and I began to accept the fact that my stuff might not make it to Miami.

I arrived in Florida and quickly settled back into my old life, well except for the fact that I was married and pregnant. I spent my days hanging out at my parent’s house (I had no car) and my nights watching basketball on television with my dad and a few friends. Dh and I spoke occasionally on the phone, but I did write him a letter almost every day (remember life before email). I am not sure what those letters said, I think I just felt it was my duty to write them. The more time that passed the more we grew apart.

As time came for the baby to be born we made arrangements for dh to fly to the states. I decided it would be better for him to arrive after my due date just in case the baby decided to come late. Thank goodness I did that because my due date, June 20th, came and went. By June 21st I was miserable. By June 25th, I decided that I wasn’t ever going to have the baby. By July 1st I was desperate. I arrived at my appointment with plans to beg and plead for an induction. It was July in Florida and I was miserable!

Fortunately my doctor decided to check me to see if I was ready to be induced. I was 5cm so he sent me to the hospital to have the baby. When I arrived at the hospital there were no available beds and since I wasn’t in labor they wouldn’t admit me. The nurses encouraged me to go for a walk to help move things along and I would be admitted. I walked for 15 hours! From 9 am to midnight my mom and I walked the mall, the hospital, the parking lot and every place else we could think of. Every few hours we would return to the floor where they would send me away because I wasn’t in “active labor.”  Finally at midnight after walking the entire day plus not eating my mom put her foot down. She told the nurses they either needed to admit me or send me home, but those were the only two options.

They admitted me.

By that time I was completely exhausted, my feet ached, and were covered in blisters from walking all day. They decided to break my water and surprise, surprise we had a baby 45 minutes later.

Our little girl was born 14 months after we got married. We were officially a family.

Dh arrived in the states when she was three days old and for three weeks we “played house.” I think the constant, feeding, pooping, and crying (me not the baby :), distracted us from the myriad of problems I had left down in Panama. For three weeks things seemed alright. Perhaps I had made a mistake in leaving, maybe things weren’t as bad as I thought. We were two adults, surely we could work out of differences.

Now that there was another person involved, things suddenly became a lot more complicated.


You Can Reach Me By Email

My husband told me the other day I was a hard person to get a hold of… really? I thought we lived in the same house. I told him to send me an email… and make the title catchy so I would read it.

This appeared in my inbox this morning…


Now that I have your attention…

I’d like the take the top six here after church – I promise to get
pictures…What do you think,  can you handle the break?


I love you.


Smart guy, huh… not only does he use flattery, he also offers to take pictures of the proposed event…. a man after a blogger’s heart. <3


Our Time with Grandma

Most of you know my mom came and stayed with us for four weeks while I was on bed rest and then after Cora was born. Thankfully she brought her camera and took lots of pictures of the kids. Most of these memories I missed because I was either upstairs in bed or at the hospital. It was fun seeing her photos, and it looks like the kids had lots of fun too!


You can find more Wordless Wednesday at 5 Minutes for Mom.