Merry Christmas from The Happy House!
I’m taking a bloggy vacation next week. I’ll be back on January 1st with my 2010 goals and a linky so you can share your goals too.
See you next year!
personal blog
I’m taking a bloggy vacation next week. I’ll be back on January 1st with my 2010 goals and a linky so you can share your goals too.
See you next year!
An oldie but goody, enjoy!
The 12 Days of Christmas by Straight No Chaser
Seven kids, seven smiles, and who knows how many teeth? I have given up trying to get everyone to look at the camera, at the same time, and smile. Oh, and not put something in front of their face, or wave their hands in the air, or cry. Perhaps they can not pull the hair of the child next to them, not squint in the sun, or remove something from their nose. Maybe they can all remain standing for the 30 seconds it takes for me to snap the photo…
We have tried professional photographers, amateur photographers, and friends. The last great family picture we took was in 2002, and my husband and I aren’t in it. So, for the entire world (or at least those who read this blog) to see, here is our 2009 Family Christmas Photo.
Please don’t let me suffer alone! I know you have some great REAL family photos you want to share with me, if only to make me feel just a little bit better at my failed family photo attempts this year. Link up with your favorite REAL family photo. Remember to link to your blog post, not your blog home page, and link back to The Happy Housewife so others can participate too. The more the merrier!
The following is a guest post from my sister-in-love who blogs at Mom’s Toolbox. If you want to know why I am joining her in this challenge you can read my perspective over at Mom’s Toolbox.
Have you ever thought about reading the Bible… the whole thing, from start to finish?
I thought about it for years, and even attempted a few times on my own, before I discovered Bible in 90 Days, joined a group at my church and read the whole thing without stopping, cover to cover.
I was so blown away by the experience that I offered to facilitate it at my next church and have since facilitated several more times, trained facilitators and now plan to host an online community via my blog, Moms Toolbox.
If you have ever considered reading the whole Bible, I cannot recommend strongly enough that you join me January 1- March 31, 2010, as I read and blog through the Bible from Genesis to Revelation, bit by bit, in order, every day.
If you would like to join our online community, here’s what you’ll need to do:
I would bet some of you are asking “Why this particular Bible?” Here’s why:
The official The Bible in 90 Days Bible is an NIV Bible, so it is an easy-to-read direct translation. This edition has large type, minimal footnotes and indicates where you should start and stop reading each day. Sure, you could accomplish this goal using your own Bible, but the statistics point to a huge success ratio for those using this official Bible.
Although we won’t be meeting in person, my prayer is that via almost-daily online communication on my blog, as well as on Twitter we can still hold each other accountable, helping each other to accomplish our goal to read every word of the Bible attentively in 90 days.
I’d love to encourage you in this endeavor. It has been life-changing for me.
I cannot express how much reading the bible in 90 days has helped me with every study I have participated in and every sermon I have heard since then. I now know the context of the stories. I know where to find them… and I can clearly see how they are related. And to read about Christ and the fulfillment of countless prophesies just after you’ve read about those prophesies is amazing!
If you’re up for the challenge, I’m up for encouraging you every step of the way.
Pray about it. Think about it… And click on over to Mom’s Toolbox to let me know if you’d like to join in the challenge and to learn more. But do it soon so you’ll be ready to start 2010 in His Word… all of it!
Hope to see you there!
** If you still have questions, plan to follow me on Twitter and join me for our first Twitter chat this Monday, December 21 from 9-10 CST.
Bible in 90 Days Giveaway
For those of you who are interested in reading along with us, I have one copy of the Bible in 90 Days Bible plus a study guide to give to one reader. Please leave a comment letting me know you are interested in participating.
I couldn’t really think of the right words for this post title because nothing could really capture my excitement right now. While it might look like I am busy blogging away in Maryland, I am actually in England.
Can I get a WOOT?
My husband told asked me two weeks ago if I wanted to accompany him on his next business trip. He had already arranged for our children to be taken care of and made most of the arrangements. Thanks to his extremely frugal living while on all his other trips, my part of the trip was almost paid for with his per diem.
I have been here for two days and it is more beautiful than I could have ever imagined. I wish I was a better photographer, so my pictures could reflect the beauty of this area. It is breathtaking at times, and I am completely enamored by the old buildings and of course the accent. Below is a slide show of my first two days.
I have many stories to tell already, but for now I will share my photos. If you click through you can read descriptions for some of the photographs.
Seriously, I’m tapped out! No frugal tips, no homemaking ideas, no craft projects, or recipes. I have a half a dozen posts in the works, but I don’t have the time to upload pictures, finish them up and publish.
So it’s your turn. Introduce yourself, give me a tip, ask a question, tell me a random fact. I know there are a lot of you lurking out there, time to come out of hiding and say hello!
If you ask a question, I’ll do my best to give you an answer in the comment section, unless of course I get long winded and turn it into a post… 🙂
Laura over at Heavenly Homemakers is hosting a fall giveaway carnival this week. I am so excited as I have lots of stuff to giveaway, but haven’t had time to write up the posts. So, her carnival was just the motivation I needed to get it in gear and start the giveaways.
For the next 5 days I will host a giveaway each day! The prizes are varied, and there will be something for everyone. Check back each day for the newest giveaway and be entered to win. I am sure you won’t be disappointed.
Today’s giveaway is a really great book titled Real Moms…Real Jesus. I was given this book to read and I was immediately drawn to the title.
Jill Savage, the author, takes events from Jesus’ life and relates them to our lives as mothers. Her words are encouraging and the book is filled with references to scripture. The fact that Jill has five kids of her own gives her just a little credibility on the subject of motherhood. 🙂 Her writing style makes you feel like a friend has come along side to encourage you.
This book is divided into small easy to read sections that fits perfectly with a busy mom’s schedule. I found myself picking it up throughout the day and reading a page or two for encouragement.
I am so excited the publishing company has given me 3 copies of this book to giveaway! I wish I could give one to everyone, but if you don’t win you could add it to your Christmas list.
Entering is simple, just leave me a comment. You can earn additional entries by tweeting or posting this giveaway on your Facebook page. Make sure you include a link to this post so other people can participate. Leave a comment for each additional entry. Contest ends one week from today, October 12, 2009.
Don’t forget to enter Tuesday’s giveaway, a free will kit from LegalZoom.
This is the story of how I became The Happy Housewife. If you are new to my site, I would suggest starting at the beginning.
After Sailor’s transformation, our relationship changed for the better. He starting writing letters and showed an interest in our daughter. It was because of these changes that I was willing to move to Middle of Nowhere, West Virginia for his next tour of duty.
So my father and I packed up all my possessions in a moving van and headed north to start my new life with Sailor and our almost one year old daughter. Unfortunately, there was no housing available on base so we had to live about an hour away in absolutely beautiful Virginia. We had barely crossed the border into Virginia when I realized I was in love with the lush green pastures and majestic mountains (remember I’m a Florida girl). Even better was the cool May air and no humidity! I was in love.
We pulled up to our small two bedroom quad and saw a brown bunny hopping across the yard. I couldn’t believe how beautiful our neighborhood was, and was left breathless as I watched the sun descend over the mountains from our front yard. This was heaven on earth!
My dad helped us move in, stayed a few days, and then headed back to Florida, leaving Sailor, Big Mac (our daughter) and me to figure out how to make this family thing work. It was hard. It didn’t take too long until I realized why I left Panama. We simply had nothing in common. We fought about everything. Sailor worked long hours which was probably a benefit as that left less time for fighting!
We could only afford one vehicle, which Sailor drove back and forth to work each day, leaving me car-less, friendless, and feeling helpless. I took Big Mac on walks during the day to get out of the house and waited anxiously for Sailor to come home so we could go somewhere, anywhere, just to get out. This worked until winter arrived one day and when I returned from our walk I realized her boogers had frozen to her face. We stopped walking. Sailor on the other hand would come home from work exhausted after his commute over the mountain, and just wanted to veg at home. More conflict.
After a few months I realized that we were poor. We didn’t have any money. Sailor had racked up some debt in Panama, and we were still paying off his pre-marriage debt. There just wasn’t enough paycheck to stretch from month to month. I was determined not to go any further into debt, so Sailor got a part time job at the local grocery store. He began to work three or four nights a week so we could pay down our debt and start saving money. Sailor also wanted to go back to college and finish his degree, and there was no way we could afford for him to get out of the Navy and go back to school until our finances changed.
I would balance our checkbook at the end of each month and was excited when we had anything more than a few cents. God always provided exactly what we needed each month, almost to the penny. We couldn’t afford snow boots for Big Mac so we wrapped her tennis shoes in Ziploc bags when it snowed so she could play outside. We couldn’t afford a sled so Sailor pulled her around the yard on a piece of cardboard. Sailor also began dumpster diving for outdated food so we could eat. We were broke, but we survived.
Just when things started to look up and I began to think we could stop eating our produce from the dumpster, Sailor hit a patch of ice on the mountain and crashed our only car into the guard rail. We didn’t have rental insurance so we were left without a vehicle for 5 weeks. Sailor got rides to work and one friend was nice enough to take me to the mall a few times even though we didn’t have any money to spend. We got our car back Christmas Eve, probably one of the best presents ever!
I also found out that I was pregnant again. We had talked about a sibling for Big Mac, but were surprised at how quickly our discussion turned into a reality. This was hard for me, because in the back of my mind I felt like I could make it on my own with Big Mac if I had to, but two kids changed everything. I no longer had a safety net, this baby meant my marriage to Sailor was forever. And when things were rough, that was a hard pill to swallow.
January came and so did a blizzard. Like two Floridians we began shoveling snow almost immediately. I remember laughing and joking as we shoveled our sidewalk in the snowy downpour. I am sure our neighbors were laughing twice as hard at the two idiots who thought shoveling snow the first hour of a 36 hour snowstorm was a good way to expend some energy. I was quite surprised when a few hours later our walk was again covered in snow. We shoveled. A few hours later I realized that shoveling snow at the beginning of a storm is kind of a waste of energy. But Sailor and I had fun laughing at ourselves and our Florida ways. And laughter was good, because it didn’t happen very often.
Two days and six feet of snow later I looked out our front window and thought our car had been stolen. I then realized that a white car in a snow drift tends to disappear. I also found out that snow is only fun until you can’t feel your fingers or toes anymore, then it is not fun. I also realized that winter lasts forever and a two bedroom apartment becomes very small when you never leave it.
Time continued to pass and Sailor and I tried to make it work. We went to church occasionally, and made a few friends. Things were tough, I was pregnant, tired, and bored. I tried to pass the time by teaching myself how to cook. Because we were on WIC, most of my dishes consisted of milk, eggs, and cheese. Sailor gained 10 pounds. I tried to make crafts, they were never very pretty, but Sailor acted like he thought they were nice. I taught myself how to sew, sort of… I planned to go back to college and finish my degree. I wanted to live again.
Sailor and I learned how to coexist. I wasn’t miserable anymore, but I was far from Happy.
This post is linking to Your Life, Your Blog.
The following is a guest post from my sister-in-law Amy. From the first day I met her I knew we were going to be great friends and we seem to grow closer every year.
I find that days that begin with SOAP are the best days for me… And the mornings I miss it, just don’t seem to go nearly as well.
No, I’m not talking about a shower. I’m talking about a simple acrostic which has changed my Bible study technique and drastically improved my relationship with my heavenly Father. And as a result, I can say it has also improved my life immeasurably.
It helps me to start the day focused on Him and it helps me break down the Bible and find a message just for me almost every day.
It is so super easy, that I can do it anywhere, and apply it to any study and jump right back in if I miss a day.
And really, the days I skip it are the days I am much more scattered. The mornings I wake 30 minutes earlier and spend time with Him I am much more focused and ready to tackle the other items on my To-Do list for the day.
I typically use it with a Bible in one year reading plan, but you could use it with any reading plan or adapt it to fit in a study.
Here’s how it works:
You need your Bible, a notebook, pen and about 20 minutes, depending on the length of your passage.
Pray, asking God to guide you through His Word and clear your mind of distractions.
Read your passage for the day and find the one thing you believe God is telling you that morning. Then write about it using the acrostic SOAP as a guide. (Leave the first few pages of your notebook blank for a Table of Contents.)
When you are finished, look back over the entry and come up with a short title, write it on the top of the page and take that and list it on the first page of your notebook along with the date, so you’ll have a Table of Contents listing each SOAP observation in bite-size morsels. This way, you can easily look back and find the messages God has sent you.
The idea of getting up an extra 30 minutes or so each morning may not appeal to you. But for me, on those mornings I have found that God not only gives that time and rest back to me, he multiplies it. And for some, you may find your SOAP time to be better at night. Whenever is best for you, set the time and keep to it. You will be rewarded greatly.
If you would like to see an example of SOAP in action, please swing by where I post almost daily SOAP observations, among a few other things.
And let me know what you think if you give it a try.
If you would like to receive a bookmark with this quarter’s part of the Bible in a year reading schedule I use, send me an email at amy at momstoolbox dot com with your address and I’ll drop one in the mail to you. I find that keeping the bookmark in my Bible makes it super easy to keep up to date.
When Amy isn’t working on her SOAP devotional, she serves as a wife, mom to three small children and one foreign exchange student, cyclist, scrapbooker, traveler, online missionary, kitchen explorer and blogger at Moms Toolbox and Moms Travel Tales.