Well, we are out of the old house and ready to turn over the keys today. It is a relief to have all the stuff moved and the old house clean. There is still a lot of work to do on the new house. We have almost unpacked, except for the garage, which is a total wreck. Here are some of my goals I hope to accomplish this week.
- Finish unpacking
- Finish kids’ report cards
- Hang pictures
- Paint school room
- Order border for play room
- Buy hardware for garage shelves
- Start to organize the garage
- Mail coupons for troops
- Take the kids to the pool
- Put away dishes given to us by ladies at church
- RSVP to two baby showers
- Plan oldest daughter’s birthday party
- Finish mount laundry
If I can accomplish most of my list this week, I will be very happy. Things like the garage are projects that will take longer than a week, but I need to get started on them soon. We are taking a month break from school. I hope to plan for the coming school year (I have one starting high school) and then start back in July. I still need to order some curriculum but that can wait until next week.
Have a great week and don’t forget to visit Tiany’s blog for more Monday Meanderings.