On the second day of Christmas…
My true love gave to me, a house full of poinsettias and 13 silly kids….
For more of the 12 Days of Christmas stop by Sprittibee’s blog.
personal blog
On the second day of Christmas…
My true love gave to me, a house full of poinsettias and 13 silly kids….
For more of the 12 Days of Christmas stop by Sprittibee’s blog.
Usually I try to think of one specific thing I am thankful for each week for Gratituesday. This week there are so many I decided to list them all, well at least the ones I am thinking of right now.
What are you thankful for this week?
Hi and welcome to our home!
We usually keep our outside decorations simple. (Translation- my husband doesn’t like to hang outside lights) This year we picked out a wreath from our friend’s greenhouse. It is beautiful.
I usually only decorate a few rooms in our house. I once had many decorations, but after many moves, my decorations are dwindling.
I am very excited that this year I have a hutch to display some of my breakable decorations. My favorites are the snow globes.
Someone else likes them too.
My oldest son loves Nutcrackers.
One new addition to our decor this year are fresh poinsettias. They are so gorgeous, I am not sure why I haven’t purchased these every year.
Since we don’t have a chimney I am always baffled as to where to hang the stockings.
Some of the kids love our Little People Christmas decorations. I love them because the kids cannot break them.
We also have some Playmobil decorations because we are equal opportunity around here.
Our piano is decorated with a some lighted village scenes which my kids love! I try to buy one every year after Christmas when they are on sale.
The Christmas tree sits in our living room and per the kids request can be seen out of two windows.
And yes, the tree is leaning.
We don’t put gifts under the tree until Christmas because we have a two-year old.
My favorite thing to do in December is grab a cup of hot chocolate, put on some Christmas music and sit by the tree before bed.
For more Christmas tours visit BooMama and for more Christmas decorations visit the Homeschool Post.
Today I had a little “let’s just send the kids to public school” meltdown. I think all of us are a bit overwhelmed, but with a vacation coming in January I am was determined to plow through until Christmas. My husband made the mistake (or maybe not) of coming home for lunch and received an earful from me as he tried to eat his chicken noodle soup. He made several helpful suggestions, which I quickly shot down because I knew they just wouldn’t work. He made the wise decision to return to work, and I got over my pity party and went about the rest of my day.
When he returned home from work this evening he informed me that I was now on vacation. I was a bit bewildered as my scheduled vacation was not until January. As I peppered him with questions and insisted that there was no way we could take a break from school he then informed me that he had taken the rest of the week off of work and he was taking over.
I have to admit I have a mighty hard time giving up the reins around here. I tend to clutch them like a girl on a runaway horse. But this time it only took a few minutes of convincing for me to agree to a little time off. He plans to homeschool the kids, make the meals and take care of the house while I do, WHATEVER I WANT TO DO! Did you read that???? I don’t think I have really had much of a vacation that didn’t involve giving birth so I am pretty excited about this. Of course my list of things I want to do is about a mile long, but I really want to spend this time recharging my very depleted battery. He actually wanted me to get a hotel room and not come home for 3 days but I told him I didn’t think I would be comfortable by myself in a hotel so I convinced him to let me stay at home :).
I am soooo thankful my husband is willing to sacrifice some vacation days and take over my jobs this week. What are you thankful for?
For more Gratituesday visit Laura.
I am thankful for the wonderful time we had during our Thanksgiving vacation. We were able to see lots of old friends, play games, eat too much, cut down our Christmas tree, and stay up way too late. My husband and son were able to hunt and my husband got his first buck. (no pictures, I understand not everyone is hip to the hunting photos) We were also given another deer from our former pastor. Our good friends help us process both deer and we came home with 50 pounds of meat.
We had an extremely eventful Thanksgiving dinner and I was trying to figure out a way to write it all down and share it with my readers. Thankfully I don’t have to, one of the ladies we shared Thanksgiving dinner with has already written her version of the story, and it is almost exactly like my version, except her version is much funnier. How she has time to write anything with 4 children 5 and under is a mystery to me! Anyway, if you want to read about our Thanksgiving adventure stop by Elizabeth’s blog for some good old West Virginia entertainment! Here is a preview….
Now, I have been told that borrowing a man’s gun is like borrowing his underwear; it isn’t something men like to do, but they’ll do it in extreme situations. Is this situation extreme enough? Apparently so because as Mr. Have-A-Gun-Haven’t-Had-A-Deer-Yet-Today gets his weapon, Mr. Gunless chooses to borrow the gun of Mr. Already-Shot-A-Deer becoming Mr. Underwear Man. Perhaps we’re witnessing something akin to women going to the bathroom together; it just can’t be done alone.
For more Gratituesday visit Laura’s blog.
As I look back on 2008, the blessings are abundant. A little over a year ago we packed up and moved to a new city, where we only knew one family, my husband was injured, heavily medicated and couldn’t drive, and we were mistakenly assigned a three bedroom house on base.
Now, a year later my husband has been completely healed, we have more friends than I could have ever imagined, a great church, wonderful neighbors, and a five bedroom home.
In January my grandfather passed away, and although I was saddened, I was tremendously thankful that 6 years earlier he decided to move across the country to live down the street from my parents. The great-grandfather that my children barely knew, became someone we saw several times a year. My children all have wonderful memories of their great-grandfather that would not have been possible had he not moved close to my parents.
A few months ago my husband was cleared for full duty and now is able to work, drive, and read, all things he couldn’t do for over a year! As if that wasn’t enough he was selected for promotion this summer, which means more opportunity and more responsibility. All of the doctors are a bit baffled by his recovery, although they think a combination of the medications and therapy played a significant role. We think the doctors and therapists did a great job and are thankful to God for his healing.
We arrived at a new church last year with a load of baggage and not a lot to give. We have been so blessed by everyone we have encountered since our first Sunday. We are excited that we are finally able to give a little back!
Finally, we are excited about the newest Happy Baby arriving Spring of 2009.
So much to be thankful for and so much to look forward to in 2009!
For more Gratituesday visit Heavenly Homemakers.
For more Thanksgiving posts visit 5MFM.
I am so thankful for the opportunity to visit Williamsburg last week. We had such a great time. The best part about our trip (other than the fact that I ate at my favorite restaurant) was that we met up with two different families that we don’t get to see very often.
The first family was a family we met when we moved to Virgina Beach. We became friends at a very difficult time because my husbands injuries were most severe during our winter in Virginia Beach. Our friends drove my husband around and even took him to work almost every day for about 6 months. This was a huge blessing to our family. We spent Thanksgiving and Christmas with them two years ago and have so many wonderful memories of our time together. I am sad we do not see them now that we moved away, but am hopeful we can make time to see each other more in the future. It was fun spending part of our day in Williamsburg with them and catching up.
The second family is a family we see more frequently, but not enough in our opinion. They are friends who live in West Virginia. It was hard when we first met them because the dad worked for my husband and in the military that means no friendship. The wife and I became great friends though, and our kids grew very close. Last year the dad retired from the Navy so we have enjoyed family time together over the past year. These friends have been a wonderful example of servanthood to our family and I love spending time together. We will be spending this Thanksgiving with them in WV and I can’t wait! They surprised us in Williamsburg last week and we had a great time!
While it is hard moving so frequently, I love having friends that I can visit in so many different states. I realize that if the Navy hadn’t moved us to West Virginia and then to Virginia Beach, we would have never met these families and many others. I am thankful we have friends around the world!
Fun in Williamsburg
For more Gratituesday visit Heavenly Homemakers.
I finally feel like I am getting ahead of the lice game. We still have a steady stream of laundry because I don’t want to take any chances of the lice spreading. In the past 5 days I have only found one live bug, so I consider that a step in the right direction. We still spending our mornings going through everyone’s hair and checking, but things are looking up.
The good news is that because we had to cancel all of our plans I got a lot accomplished this week. First I conquered Mt. Laundry. The before picture was actually taken before things got really bad. At its worst point I actually had to climb over it to get to the washer.
I cleaned off one of my desks.
I was also behind in organizing the Coupons for Troops mailing. The coupons were sorted and repackaged this weekend and mailed out today.
My kids had quite a laugh when they opened the Sunday paper. The topic of the kid’s section, lice!
Since we couldn’t go to church yesterday I baked most of my breads for the week. I will post about that later, but I’ll leave you with two pictures, any guesses what I new recipes I tried this week?
For more tackles visit 5MFM.