Our Story ~ Part Two or Why I Should Have High Tailed it Out of the Apartment Complex

Do not read Part Two until you read Part 1

I stood at the door contemplating whether I should start running or start talking. I decided to talk…. before I could say anything a figure appeared down the hall in a green plaid bathrobe and a green facial mask. I was taken aback at long-haired hippie’s new look, but relieved that I had arrived at the correct apartment.

Long-haired hippie invited me in and I sat on the couch nervously as tall, dark and strange continued to stare at me blankly. Finally long-haired hippie was presentable and I was ready to watch the movie and get the heck out of there. As soon as long-haired hippie started the movie and tall dark and strange had disappeared I started talking. “What is up with your roommate?” Long-haired hippie informed that his roommate was legally blind, which explained the strange blank stare. I mentioned something about it would have been nice if I you would have told me that before I showed up at your door… and then started to watch the movie.

The movie was probably the strangest I had ever seen. It had subtitles (which I still dislike) and no plot which I could discern, and was exceptionally boring. I made sure long-haired hippie knew how much I disliked this movie by commenting throughout the movie on how ridiculous I thought it was. After the movie I left, grateful that I would never have to experience that sort of torture again.

Apparently, going to the apartment meant that now long-haired hippie and I were friends. Over the next few weeks there was small talk between the two of us before and after class, but I still couldn’t stand his political treatise with which he continued to monopolize my classes.

Around the beginning of April we were given our final assignment for the class. I can’t really remember what the assignment was, but I remember having no clue what the teacher wanted. I am a “rule” girl. I love rules, facts, deadlines, order, and goals! Since this class was called Post Modern Positions, it had none of those things. I needed an A in this class and I knew long-haired hippie and the teacher were buddies so I begged for his help on this project. He convinced me to create a photo collage and promised me it would secure an A for the class. Over the next few weeks long-haired hippie and I rode around town taking random pictures, I was still unsure how this would get me an A, but I trusted long-haired hippie’s judgment.

The more time I spent with long-haired hippie the less irritating he became to me. Under those crazy and completely misguided political beliefs was a nice guy who was insanely funny. I think I laughed harder during our rides around Orlando than I had in my entire life.

In the beginning of May I asked long-haired hippie to drive me to the airport. I planned on flying to Pennsylvania to visit an old boyfriend who had potential to become a new boyfriend. Both my parents worked and I needed a ride in the middle of the day. He agreed and the week before my trip hung out with me at the mall helping me pick out the perfect outfit to wear on the airplane.

The day of the flight I was nervous (not a big fan of airplanes). Long-haired hippie picked me up and we headed to the airport. During the ride long-haired hippie was talking a lot, and mentioned that he was planning on going back into the Navy. He said he didn’t feel like his life was going in the right direction and thought the Navy life had been good for him before and perhaps it would be good for him again. As he was talking I realized that this person, who I had judged way too quickly, was actually a really great guy that just needed a kick in the pants.

As we sat at the terminal (remember those days) we continued to talk and I told him that I thought it was a great idea to join the Navy, it would provide direction, and money, both of which he needed. This is where the story gets a bit fuzzy…. at some point during the Navy talk, long-haired hippie looked me straight in the eye and said…..

Can’t stand the suspense? Part 3 has been published!

Our Story ~ Part One

Our Story (as I remember it)

In 1993  I was attending community college, living at home with my family, and working three jobs to save money and pay for school. I was on track to finish community college, move on to a university and continue my degree in Political Science with hopes of eventually going to Law School and becoming a lobbyist in D.C.

My political science classes were filled with many others who had similar goals, but very different opinions. There was one particular person in my classes who was extremely outspoken in his opinions and unfortunately for me was a teacher’s pet.

So I sat in the back of these classes, dreaming of moving out, going to a big school, and ignoring the long-haired hippie that monopolized the class with his personal political beliefs. I just wanted an A and a diploma so I could move on.

One day in February I walked into class feeling particularly down. I had just broken up with my boyfriend and was having a little pity party for myself. Long-haired hippie asked what was wrong (I think this was the first time we had spoken to each other) so I told him and he replied that he had also just broken up with his girlfriend too. He then jokingly mentioned something about us going out to which I thought, not in a million years buddy, but on the outside smiled politely and busied myself in a book.

February passed and some time in March I missed a class where we had watched a movie. Since we had to write up a commentary about the movie for a grade I needed to find a way to watch the movie on my own. It just so happened that long-haired hippie owned this movie so he offered to let me come over and watch it one day after school.

I arrived at long-haired hippie’s apartment and knocked on the door. I was a bit nervous being a twenty-year old female, alone in an apartment complex, going to someone’s house that I only knew casually in class, and I thought was extremely weird. I waited at the door and knocked again.

The door finally swung open and standing there was a tall thin stranger with dark mangled hair and a crazed stare. I stared at the stranger thinking I was at the wrong apartment and he stared at me, sort of….

Dying to know what happens next? Read part two here and part three here.

Meeting Friends Old and New

This Thursday I will board an airplane alone, headed to Nashville. It is not very often that I board an airplane without a car seat and a diaper bag. This weekend I am attending BlissDom, which for those of you who have not already heard is a blogging conference.

I am so thankful I have the opportunity to attend this conference. My husband and oldest have offered to take charge of things around here for a few days so I can meet other bloggers and learn more about this whole blogging thing I have grown to love.

And, I am extremely excited and thankful that I will be meeting Joy and Kate for the very first time! Joy and I started reading each others’ blogs about 11 months ago, and then I met Kate via Joy. In June we launched Happy to be at Home which was a spin off of our 3 Moms Kitchen series. Over the months we have chatted, emailed, and talked on the phone, a lot, but have never met in person.

From our initial phone conversations we joked about meeting up one day, but I am not sure if any of us thought it would really happen. Now we are only 3 days away from our first meeting!

A few years ago I would have laughed to think you could actually make real life friends from blogging! I am so thankful for my friendship with these two women I have never officially met. They are always an encouragement to me! It seems as if we have known one another for years, sharing ups and downs, triumphs and failures.

I now realize that this is probably the first of many more meetings we will have over the years. BlissDom here we come!


For more Gratituesday visit Heavenly Homemakers.

Had a Moment

This probably does not happen to first time moms, but someone with lots of kids please tell me this is common. This week I had one of those light bulb, oh we are going to have a baby moments. With less than 12 weeks left we have done nothing, nada, zilch, zip, to prepare for the baby. No name, no baby items pulled from storage, we aren’t even sure where she is going to sleep. I still haven’t registered at the hospital and haven’t made the cloth vs disposable diaper decision. Oh, and we don’t have a vehicle that will fit our entire family once the baby is born.

This week I started thinking, perhaps we should do something! It isn’t that we aren’t excited about our newest addition, we are, but life is busy around here. Aside from some very annoying leg cramps I usually forget I am pregnant until someone else reminds me or asks how I am feeling.

Lists are a favorite of mine, so perhaps making a baby “to do” list would help? The first item on the list can be name the baby. Do you all want to help with this one? We are truly stumped for a name this time around and I wouldn’t mind hearing your suggestions.

A few guidelines for those who want to contribute; we have a common last name so we like names that are a little uncommon, but not made up. Although we are not opposed to a great common name either, we are running out of choices. The name has to mean something, and of course we have to like it! The last one will be the toughest as my husband can figure out a way to make fun of any name. If you are related to me you can leave your suggestions too, just don’t get upset if we don’t use them.


Afterthought: Do not suggest the following names as they have already been suggested by my children:

  • Tinker Bell
  • Science
  • Lysol

2009 Goals ~ January Update

How is everyone progressing with their 2009 goals? I am sure by now there are some goals that need tweaking, others that need to be eliminated and a few that can be crossed off! This month was less productive for me since we spent most of it on vacation. The baby is coming in less than 3 months so I need to get moving on some of these goals if I want to accomplish them!

Here is my updated list for 2009.

Books to Read

Family Goals

  • Family Bible time 5 nights a week – Getting there, about 4 times a week.
  • Family game night once a week
  • Exercise more as a family – ha! not a chance in 20 degree weather!
  • Family read alouds

Financial Goals

  • Purchase 15 passenger van (cash) by April 2009 – saving like crazy!
  • Fund IRA
  • Braces for child #3 half-way funded by end of the year
  • Cut grocery budget by $50 a month – scratch Jan- spent half the month on vacation
  • Live on half our income/ save or invest other half
  • Save for short term goals: vacations, homeschool materials, gifts
  • Start commission system for the kids
  • All extra money goes into house fund

Homeschool Goals

  • Restructure Bible time revamped high school, still need to work with the younger kids
  • More read alouds/ less silent reading
  • Research curriculum changes for 2009/2010 school year
  • Homeschool – Preschool with 4 yo three days a week doing school almost every day w/ her
  • Once a month library trips w/ kids
  • Create system for organizing past and future books

Homemaking Goals

  • Follow Motivated Moms Planner doing well so far click here to win one for yourself!
  • 30 meals in the freezer by April 15th
  • Create bi-monthly meal plans and shopping trips created 30 days of meals
  • Organize Clothing Bins
  • Paint/ refinish pantry cabinet
  • Involve the kids in meal planning/ prep
  • Incorporate more whole foods/ purchase less prepackaged foods in meals hot breakfasts in Feb!
  • Plant container garden
  • Enter all addresses into the computer
  • Try two new recipes a month
  • Room by room de-clutter and clean-out (one room a month should take me to 2010) Kitchen almost done

Personal Goals

  • Return to pre-baby weight by August 2009
  • Learn to knit
  • Make most of 4 yos summer clothing
  • Make cloth diapers
  • Make baby sling
  • Finish 3 aprons
  • Go to bed 1/2 hour earlier and get up 1/2 hour earlier getting up earlier but not by choice! I think I have pregnancy insomnia!
  • Take vitamins every day check!
  • Have all Christmas shopping finished before Thanksgiving

Places to Visit

  • Florida had a great trip, scroll through my blog for lots of pictures!
  • Williamsburg
  • Blissdom leaving in 6 days!
  • HEAV Convention registered!
  • West Virginia going in a few weeks!
  • Outer Banks

Spiritual Goals

  • Read through One Year Bible working on it
  • Increase time in prayer
  • Faithfully keep a journal haven’t started this yet 🙁
  • Make attendance a priority at church functions if we can keep the kids healthy!
  • Reach out to those who are different from me at church

Please link up your 2009 Goals progress! I would love to see how everyone is doing!


The fine print. Make sure you link to your goal post, not your home page so everyone can find your goals easily. Link back to this site so others can join in. Try and visit some other participants and encourage them in their goals! If you don’t have a blog leave your goals in the comment section.
For more goal accountability visit Biblical Womanhood.

Blogaversary or is it Blogiversary?


Today is my 1 year blogaversary. I can hardly believe it! In some ways it seems like I have been blogging for years and in others I feel like I am still a newbie. So in celebration of this monumentous occasion (ha ha!) here are thirteen random blog tidbits about me.

  1. This is not my first blog. I had a blog almost three years ago during my husband’s deployment. It was very different from this blog as I used it mainly as a way to keep him updated on our family.
  2. My site didn’t always look so fun! In the beginning my site looked sort of like this…
  3. My first blog post was short and sweet. It went something like this

    After a year break, I have decided to blog again. I have left my old blog behind and am starting with a new look. I have nothing against my old blog, I am just ready for something different. My last blog was more of a diary. I hope for this blog to be less personal and more practical.

    Happy reading and thanks for stopping by.

  4. The Happy Housewife was not my first choice for a blog title. I can’t remember what my first choice was, but THH was probably choice #58…. In real life I am pretty grouchy :). Kidding….just kidding…
  5. My first real comment (that I could find) was from Barbara Lee. She was probably one of my first regular readers as well.
  6. I have written 696 posts (not counting this one). Can someone say “Get off the Computer!”
  7. Seriously though, what did I do before I started blogging? I don’t really remember, I still read, sew, cook, and homeschool so I am not quite sure what I gave up to make time for this…
  8. I have never received a nasty comment! Can you believe it, I can’t?
  9. I have received 6,206 nice, intelligent and thoughtful comments. My readers are the best!
  10. My most popular post, not sure… Boys and Books received the most comments.
  11. Since starting this blog I have been introduced to an entire new vocabulary; twitter, stumble, digg, delicious, Mr. Linky, memes, I could go on and on.
  12. In June I launched another blog, Happy to be at Home with two of my bloggy buddies, Kate and Joy. Contrary to popular belief we are not related to one another and we have never actually met!
  13. I really, really, really appreciate my readers. I know I don’t respond to every comment (I try!) but I do read every one. I have met so many other wonderful bloggers and nonbloggers this year and have learned so much from this experience. I wouldn’t blog if it wasn’t fun, so thanks for keeping it enjoyable!


For more Thursday Thirteen visit Happy to be at Home.

More Lice???

My sister-in-law called me this weekend to let me know they are now the “Louse House.” Regular readers might remember when we went through this same situation last November. While I whined and complained about it on this site, my ever so creative brother decided to make a video.

Warning: Lice are gross… don’t watch if you hate bugs….

Don’t forget to enter my Motivated Moms 2009 Planner Giveaway! Click here for details.

Vacation Day 1

I decided to journal my vacation because I am really bad at writing down “memories.” Feel free to skip over these posts and get to the meat in my site, but if you want to read about taking 6 kids on a family vacation to Disney World read on.

Day 1

We planned to wake up at 4 am and get on the road about 4:30. The car had been packed the night before and everything was ready to go. Usually we go to bed early, but my husband and I ended up staying up pretty late. At 3am boy #2 came in our room and flipped on all the lights…

We tried to go back to sleep, but I was wide awake. I made a command decision at 3:30 am to get up, take my shower, and start our trip. We left of the house around 4:15 am. The trip was relatively uneventful in the early morning. Unlike most children who groggily sit in the car, mine are wide awake from the first second. They are talkative, excited, and have no intention of sleeping peacefully for the first several hours.

We stopped around 7:30 for breakfast in southern Virginia. Our waitress had an accent thicker than molasses and she called us names like sugar and honey. We should have stopped at a fast food joint, but we chose Shoney’s instead. I thought the kids would fill up and perhaps eat some fruit. I was wrong as donuts were on the buffet, and most of the kids chose those over pineapple and grapes.

We got back in the car and encountered heavy traffic and bad weather. We were able to make it another 4 hours before we stopped for a bathroom break and gas. We ate lunch in the car and the kids happily watched movies.

At some point in the afternoon our four year old asked,  “Are were there yet?” I wasn’t officially keeping track, but I think this was the 1,786,398 time this question was asked. I told her we weren’t and her reply was, “Well, that’s a problem for me because I really have to go to the bathroom!” We stopped again briefly for a potty break.

In Georgia we encountered heavy traffic and ended up sitting on I-95 for over an hour. We found a secondary road and finally got around whatever was causing the back up. We pulled into my parents driveway around 7:30 pm tired and ready to be out of the car. No one really slept on the trip, but seeing the grandparents gave the kids a small second wind. They all went to bed without a fight and are eagerly awaiting their cousin’s arrival this morning.

Today we plan our 5 Day Disney Adventure!


Goals for 2009

Books to Read

Family Goals

  • Family Bible time 5 nights a week
  • Family game night once a week
  • Exercise more as a family
  • Family read alouds

Financial Goals

  • Purchase 15 passenger van (cash) by April 2009
  • Fund IRA
  • Braces for child #3 half-way funded by end of the year
  • Cut grocery budget by $50 a month
  • Live on half our income/ save or invest other half
  • Save for short term goals: vacations, homeschool materials, gifts
  • Start commission system for the kids
  • All extra money goes into house fund

Homeschool Goals

  • Restructure Bible time
  • More read alouds/ less silent reading
  • Research curriculum changes for 2009/2010 school year
  • Homeschool – Preschool with 4 yo three days a week
  • Once a month library trips w/ kids
  • Create system for organizing past and future books

Homemaking Goals

  • Follow Motivated Moms Planner
  • 30 meals in the freezer by April 15th
  • Create bi-monthly meal plans and shopping trips
  • Organize Clothing Bins
  • Paint/ refinish pantry cabinet
  • Involve the kids in meal planning/ prep
  • Incorporate more whole foods/ purchase less prepackaged foods in meals
  • Plant container garden
  • Enter all addresses into the computer
  • Try two new recipes a month
  • Room by room de-clutter and clean-out (one room a month should take me to 2010)

Personal Goals

  • Return to pre-baby weight by August 2009
  • Learn to knit
  • Make most of 4 yos summer clothing
  • Make cloth diapers
  • Make baby sling
  • Finish 3 aprons
  • Go to bed 1/2 hour earlier and get up 1/2 hour earlier
  • Take vitamins every day
  • Have all Christmas shopping finished before Thanksgiving

Places to Visit

  • Florida
  • Williamsburg
  • Blissdom
  • HEAV Convention
  • West Virginia
  • Outer Banks

Spiritual Goals

  • Read through One Year Bible
  • Increase time in prayer
  • Faithfully keep a journal
  • Make attendance a priority at church functions
  • Reach out to those who are different from me at church

These are my goals for 2009. They will probably change over the next several months, as life is always changing around here! Feel free to link up with your goals for 2009. We can all encourage each other in accomplishing our goals this year!


The fine print. Make sure you link to your goal post, not your home page so everyone can find your goals easily. If you don’t have a blog leave your goals in the comment section.