Our Thanksgiving

I am thankful for the wonderful time we had during our Thanksgiving vacation. We were able to see lots of old friends, play games, eat too much, cut down our Christmas tree, and stay up way too late. My husband and son were able to hunt and my husband got his first buck. (no pictures, I understand not everyone is hip to the hunting photos) We were also given another deer from our former pastor. Our good friends help us process both deer and we came home with 50 pounds of meat.

We had an extremely eventful Thanksgiving dinner and I was trying to figure out a way to write it all down and share it with my readers. Thankfully I don’t have to, one of the ladies we shared Thanksgiving dinner with has already written her version of the story, and it is almost exactly like my version, except her version is much funnier. How she has time to write anything with 4 children 5 and under is a mystery to me! Anyway, if you want to read about our Thanksgiving adventure stop by Elizabeth’s blog for some good old West Virginia entertainment! Here is a preview….

Now, I have been told that borrowing a man’s gun is like borrowing his underwear; it isn’t something men like to do, but they’ll do it in extreme situations. Is this situation extreme enough? Apparently so because as Mr. Have-A-Gun-Haven’t-Had-A-Deer-Yet-Today gets his weapon, Mr. Gunless chooses to borrow the gun of Mr. Already-Shot-A-Deer becoming Mr. Underwear Man. Perhaps we’re witnessing something akin to women going to the bathroom together; it just can’t be done alone.

For more Gratituesday visit Laura’s blog.