Changing Course

This week didn’t really go as I had intended. We made two unexpected trips to the doctor’s office, canceled the orthodontist appointment and didn’t really get to the cleaning and organizing jobs I had planned.

We did however give haircuts to all the boys in our house, vacuum all upholstered surfaces, vacuum all floors, and vacuumed all mattresses. We washed every towel, sheet, blanket, comforter, and pillow in the house, and then started all over again. We also packed away all of the stuffed toys. So much for going through the kids’ toys this week!

I decided this would not be a good time to go through our winter clothes. I am sure that can wait until next week until we are lice free.

Sometimes it is discouraging to have a plan and then get derailed. When I realized my week was going to change dramatically on Tuesday it was hard not to get into a funk and want to withdrawal. The thought of decontaminating my house was overwhelming. All I could think about was six kids, I have six kids and they are all going to pass it to each other, and pass it to each other, and pass it to each other. We will have lice until Christmas!

As each additional person was found to have lice, instead of being overwhelmed, I was relieved. I began to realize my task was completely overwhelming and that I couldn’t do it all. Over the past few days I have received numerous emails and calls from people letting me know they would be praying for our family.

I think sometimes as moms and wives we set a high standard for ourselves. As I have read many other bloggers’ goals this week I have been impressed with all the things they want to accomplish. I just hope we all remember to keep our eyes on the main goal, which is to do all things to His glory, not our own.

I hate the fact that most of my family has lice, but I love the fact that we have all worked together to solve this problem. It has been nice to have to stay home and hang out with each other. Although I am sad most of our plans were canceled, I know we can schedule them for another time. I have even enjoyed the quality “talk time” I have had with my kids as I picked through their hair each morning.

Even though we are all sleeping with one sheet and one blanket (less laundry to decontaminate), I truly feel like my home as become our haven this week.

For more havens visit The Homespun Heart. <!–