
The bugs have spread to girl #2 and possibly girl #1. We are taking no chances and cleaning/washing everything in the house. During our washing frenzy a crayon went through the dryer… because it is not as if we don’t have enough to do right now. This has happened to us before, the crayons not the lice, so if you would like a tutorial on how to get crayon out of your dryer you can find it here.

So far the boys do not have it, but we are checking several times a day. Since we were all in a hotel together for a few days there is a good chance that we could all be infected. Not from the hotel, we have determined that girl #3 had it before the hotel, but from the close quarters.

Girl #3 has the prescription treatment, which I absolutely do not like and do not want to use on anyone else. We are trying olive oil on girls #1, and #2. We have canceled several planned family outings as we don’t want the kids to infect anyone. I took a picture of girl #2 with her olive oil head and shower cap. She gave me a big smile, and seemed excited to be getting some special treatment. After I took the picture she asked me to post it on the blog. I’ll post it tomorrow.

All the stuffed toys are being bagged up and we are attempting to wash bedding from 8 beds as well as towels, jackets, hats, and our regular dirty clothes.

The boys have been warned, if I find anything on them the clippers are coming out. I cannot have the kids passing this to each other for weeks. They are not happy with the thought of that kind of haircut so hopefully they will comply with all my other requests.

Meanwhile, I continue to scratch all over. I don’t think I have lice because I haven’t seen any evidence and weird places like my back, legs, and feet itch. I think it is all in my mind. My husband has already told me he wanted to shave his head because just the thought of it grossed him out. I might try an olive oil treatment on myself tomorrow, as a precautionary measure. I figure the chances of me getting it rise with each kid. I’d consider shaving my head too, if I looked good in a hat.