My Christmas tree is still up.
Usually we take the Christmas tree down the day after Christmas, actually there have been a few years where the tree has come down on Christmas day. We put our tree up early so by the time Christmas roles around I’m ready for it to be gone!
The funny thing is that usually I take it down by myself so the deployment has little to do with the fact that it is still up.
I think the reason I’m putting it off is that most of our Christmas decorations are still packed from the move and I really need to open them all and figure out what we need to keep, get rid of, and what isn’t really Christmas, but got packed in those boxes by the movers.
I’m sure there are things in those boxes that I’ve been looking for since we moved here. I’m not usually a procrastinator, but this is my frog!
In other news, my son is dog sitting his friend’s dog. It’s funny, because I was just thinking that another dog would be just the thing I needed to keep me busy around here. Or not!
One the bright side, I’m almost caught up on laundry.
My husband has been deployed to the Middle East for 274 days. These are my real thoughts expressing my heart during his absence. I appreciate your prayers and kind words as we cope, adapt, and carry on without him until August 2014. To read from the beginning, click here.