Deployment Day #64

Christmas tree is down!

I spent most of the day trying to get all the business bookkeeping done from 2013. If I were to rank my least favorite things, bookkeeping would be close to the top of the list. But most of it is done and my girls went to the farm to play for the day so everyone is happy.

Tomorrow we are cleaning out the playroom. If I were to rank my least favorite things, cleaning out the playroom would be in the top five. I’m trying to have a positive attitude. Trying.

The boys went shooting today. Not only did their dad’s coworker take them to the range, he took lots of pictures.

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My husband has been deployed to the Middle East for 274 days.  These are my real thoughts expressing my heart during his absence.  I appreciate your prayers and kind words as we cope, adapt, and carry on without him until August 2014.  To read from the beginning, click here.

1 comment
  1. Thankful for that coworker investing in your boys. What a blessing!

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