Deployment Day #30

I had  great day. We were surrounded by family and friends and even though I broke my Thanksgiving rule and spent the whole day baking, it was awesome.

A half a world away, he had a lonely Thanksgiving. He ate dinner by himself and spent the evening in his room, alone. I can’t imagine feeling so alone, but I’m sure it is common for many of our troops overseas, and at training here in the states.

I use to be a letter writer. When we were first married he lived in Panama and I lived in Florida. I wrote him a letter almost every day.

This time around I’ve sent him one box and it didn’t even have a note inside.

I guess things are different now. We Facebook message or text almost every day. I feel like there is nothing left to say, and nothing left in me to say it.

I want to say that I will start writing him letters, but the reality is, I won’t. I can’t even remember to water the plant he gave me before he left.

I don’t know how to keep him from feeling so alone and really I don’t think I can.



My parents are here visiting. Yay!!!

My husband has been deployed to the Middle East for 274 days.  These are my real thoughts expressing my heart during his absence.  I appreciate your prayers and kind words as we cope, adapt, and carry on without him until August 2014.  To read from the beginning, click here.