Deployment Day #26

I keep getting up earlier and earlier in hopes to catch up on everything that needs to get done around here. Of course no matter how early I get up, there’s always something that comes up that makes it impossible to catch up. I attempted to make more progress on my stair project, and am starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

We moved the television upstairs to the family room because even though I watch no TV, I like the Christmas specials and I thought if the TV was on the main level I might actually watch them with the kids.

My son told me that I would still not watch any television and that we should have kept it in the basement where they could play movies as loud as they wanted without waking anyone up.

So, to prove him, wrong I watched the Wizard of Oz with my little girls last night. This is probably my all time favorite movie. I did not realize how scary it might be for a four and seven year old as we watched. Whoops.

The best part was that my four year old fell asleep in my arms at the end of the movie. She’s never been one to fall asleep on you, so I this was actually pretty awesome. Even lugging her very heavy, sound asleep body up the stairs wasn’t so bad because I realized these moments don’t happen very often around here.

I finally hired someone to help me finish the stair project. My basic math computations told me it would be 2023 before I would finish it if I didn’t get some help. Looking forward to whatever progress gets made this week from my painter.

Internet connections are still pretty crummy and communication has been hard over the last few days. I’m thankful for the texts and messages that do go through.

My husband has been deployed to the Middle East for 274 days.  These are my real thoughts expressing my heart during his absence.  I appreciate your prayers and kind words as we cope, adapt, and carry on without him until August 2014.  To read from the beginning, click here.