Sundays are my favorite and least favorite day of the week.
They are my favorite because we go to church, see friends, and go out to lunch.
They are my least favorite because I still haven’t figured out how to get our co-op homework finished before Sunday evening. So every Sunday evening is spent staying up late going over personal pronouns and the geography of Asia.
Today was extra special because my honorary eighth kid just got back from bootcamp. Before he left he was an almost daily visitor at our house and frequent dinner guest.
I didn’t think it would be a big deal when he went to bootcamp but we really, really missed him. Not only is he a nice young man, he’s wiling to move furniture, eat leftovers, babysit, run errands, and just hang around. You don’t find many kids like that these days.
He’s back from bootcamp for a few months until he goes to his next training. It made for a very happy day.
I couldn’t help but look at him and think about how when I was his age I was marrying into this military life. Seems like so long ago.
My husband has been deployed to the Middle East for 274 days. These are my real thoughts expressing my heart during his absence. I appreciate your prayers and kind words as we cope, adapt, and carry on without him until August 2014. To read from the beginning, click here.