ITunes Gift Card Giveaway: Blog Birthday Celebration

Do you know that I love music? I took piano lessons for years when I was a kid and in the process developed a love of all things musical! When I was a teenager my best friend and I dreamed of buying an old van, driving to California, and starting a band. We wrote songs, recorded them, and drove our parents nuts with our crazy dream! Well, it wasn’t actually a crazy dream for my best friend. She went on to become a singer, lol!

I’m not very picky when it comes to music, I like all kinds, as long as the musician can sing on key. I’m not a big fan of opera or heavy metal but most everything else I can tolerate. Before my phone broke, you would have found Toby Mac, Faith Hill, Indigo Girls, and Mozart in my music section.

To celebrate my bloggy birthday, I have an $15 itunes gift card to giveaway so you can buy some of your favorite music! Just leave a comment and tell me about your favorite music!