How is your FB project 365 going? I did pretty well this month. I missed three days, two because I was surrounded by runny noses all day and didn’t think it would be a good picture and the other I didn’t really miss. I took a photo with my phone, and then dropped my phone in the toilet when it fell out of my pocket, and consequently my phone is no longer working. A non working phone means no photos from the phone… so that is my excuse!
I am so happy I started this project! Whenever I look at my FB 365 page it brings back great memories of every day. I can’t wait to look back after an entire year!
Here is my favorite photo from January 2011.
Next month (February) I’ll start hosting a monthly linky so you can link up with your favorite photo of the month. The only requirement, it has to be your photo.
February only has 28 days so we should be able to get a photo every day, right? 🙂