It’s My Birthday, But I’m Giving You the Gifts!

This week marks’s 3rd birthday! It is hard to believe that it has been 3 years since I wrote my first post. This site has gone through a lot of changes over the past few years, but one thing has not changed. I have the best readers in the world!! I’m not exaggerating one bit, I look forward to every comment and email I receive. Over the years I have even been able to chat on the phone and meet some of you in person.  Lifelong friendships have come from this little blog!

While blogs don’t exist because of readers, they wouldn’t be very fun to write if no one was reading, so thank you for making these past three years awesome!

Even though it is my blog birthday, I think you should get the gifts! I couldn’t think of a better way to celebrate than to give you some of my favorite things! For the next week I’m going to be giving away my favorite things on the blog, Facebook, Twitter, and to subscribers! On Friday I have an amazing gift I want to give to one reader… but you’ll have to check back on Friday to see what favorite thing I am giving away.

What’s a birthday without cake? For me it isn’t a birthday at all since I don’t like ice cream. To get the celebration started I’m giving away one of my favorite cake ebooks!

More Cool Cakes

Not only does this e-booklet include the basics to making home decorated cakes yourself, but it also includes recipes for buttercream frostings and for doctoring up cake mixes as well as over a dozen different cake and cupcake themes that you can duplicate or use as inspiration for your own custom variations.

What I LOVE about Jessica’s cakes is that you don’t have be a professional decorator to make them! The are easy and even a novice cake maker can give their child an amazing birthday cake with her simple directions.

To start the party I’ve giving away one of these ebooks. To enter leave a comment. And don’t forget to check back tomorrow for the next gift!