When I look back on 2010, I see a year of fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants craziness. 2011 is going to be different. My theme for the year…
I can’t think of a single area in my life that could not use a bit of pruning. I’m tired of complicated. So for 2011, you’ll see more:
- Simple Living
- Simple Homeschool
- Simple Home Management
- Simple Recipes
- Simple Savings
Now for my 2011 Goals.
- Read one book a month.
- Set and stick with a consistent bible reading/ prayer time.
- Read one fun book a month.
- Complete FB 365 project.
- Walk 3x a week with Cora.
- Remember to take my SuperMom vitamins. (Once again, something I can NEVER remember to do!)
- Consistent wake-up time.
- Plan our yearly trips in January and budget accordingly.
- Sew twice a month.
- Build a photo light box.
- Schedule one date night a week.
- Incorporate more hands on projects with the younger kids.
- Preschool with Trouble 3 times a week.
- Find a better system for record keeping.
- Enroll in a local co-op.
- Plan two field trips a month.
- Research colleges. (I cannot believe I am typing those words!!!!)
In the Kitchen:
- Research and find sources of local/organic food.
- Keep grocery budget under $700 a month.
- One bulk cooking day every two months.
- Deep clean and organize one room a month in my home.
- Purchase and use the Motivated Moms’ Planner.
- Update phone contacts and address book and transfer information to the computer.
- Find a different coupon organization system.
- Organize storage space in garage.
- Complete all Christmas shopping before Thanksgiving.
- Set up sewing area.
Home Improvement:
- Make curtains for ds’s bedroom
- Make curtains for living room.
- Finish photo collage for dining room.
- Paint living room/ dining room.
- Make headboard for ds’s bed.
- Make headboard for my bed.
- Install fan in back porch. (Already completed!)
- Remove kitchen wallpaper.
- Install new kitchen sink.
- Install office bookshelves. (once my dad makes them. :))
- Change monthly budget meetings to weekly budget meetings.
- Begin using Mvelopes.
- Reread The Complete Tightwad Gazette.
- Add an extra 10% on our mortgage every month which will shorten it by 5 years.
What are some of your goals this year?