Coupons for Troops: Families Needed

As many of you know, I oversee a program called Coupons for Troops. This program matches up overseas military families with stateside families who send them coupons. Groceries at overseas Commissaries are more expensive and coupons help military families serving overseas save money.

I need 5 to 10 families who are willing to donate expired coupons to military families overseas. I had a few military families sign up over the last few weeks and need to get them assigned to a stateside family. If you are interested please email me at Before you email, please read the Coupons for Troops FAQ page to make sure this is something you are able to participate in.

If you are a military family overseas would like to receive coupons please email me and I’ll match you up too.

Thanks for serving and supporting our troops with coupons!