The Happy House is keeping me busy these days and I haven’t had time to write much this week. Here are a few links I liked and hope you will enjoy them too.
My friend Connie has a great tutorial on Simple Books Children Can Make. If you are looking for things to do during spring break, or a fun project for your homeschool this is a simple idea your kids will love!
I loved Amy’s perspective in her post Somebody Wants What You Have. The grass is not always greener.
This cake from I am Baker is one of my favorite ideas ever! If you are looking for a one of a kind dessert on Sunday consider making this Faith Cake.
If you are like me and still have your Christmas cards sitting in a basket, you might want to try this creative Christmas card idea from my friend Angry Julie.
Joy is one of my first blogging friends, my blog designer, and an amazing homeschool mom. She has published her homeschool reading list, and has many great reads picked out for this quarter.
Did you know that according to Neilsen the average American watches 151 hours of television a month? That is about 5 hours a day! Insane if you ask me. This article talks about what we could be doing with those 151 hours.