Deployment Day #81

Today we cleaned and did school. I’m not a big fan of Saturday school, I know one of the benefits of homeschooling is flexibility, but I personally like a day off of doing homeschool.

I’m also not a big fan of cleaning, but I like a clean house so that’s what we did today.

Today was rather boring. I haven’t had boring in a long time. It felt good.


Apparently I need to turn the heat up. She wore earmuffs all day.

My husband has been deployed to the Middle East for 274 days.  These are my real thoughts expressing my heart during his absence.  I appreciate your prayers and kind words as we cope, adapt, and carry on without him until August 2014.  To read from the beginning, click here.

  1. My girls got new earmuffs two months ago and like to wear them in the house. I think it’s more of a fashion statement and the 6 year old likes how it muffles sound a bit, too.

  2. Ah, the soothing of boring. I like the sound of school on Saturday; it seems to recognize that learning happens all the time and isn’t confined to boundaries defined by “other”.
    As for the earmuffs. I just saw a young lady who perhaps just likes her pink earmuffs and the soothing muffling of sound they can offer. If she were cold, you’d really know it. That right hand might be under her for one thing instead of assisting.

  3. Hello there,
    I stumbled across your blog and its so real 🙂 Its like getting to know your family, though I am a complete random stranger from another part of the world! I m currently in Melbourne,Australia. I read through your deployment blog posts in one go, it was so great, that my headache disappeared (although yeah, I had a tablet as well) but your posts were so lovely 🙂
    Reading the military deployment stuff , I can relate to it , may be to a teeny tiny bit, where my dad works in the oil company as a chemical engineer, and he used to be gone for every alternate week in the month & then back the other week. So mom was our go to be for everything, though we loved dad. If she can read English fluently, she would be smiling, as she has done almost everything you have mentioned here 🙂 Though we were just 2 kids, my younger brother & myself, it was sure a tough challenge sometimes.And then it was for 11 months just us, where we moved places & he couldn’t move with us.
    As he used to work in the middle of the ocean, I remember that , even we used to ask her questions that made her so uncomfortable. Reading your posts reminds me that she is such strong person & went through so much to raise us. We are all grown up & away from her now. I am married & my brother is doing his masters. But my dad still works in the same job, now 28 days at sea, 26 days home ! So now half the year, she is all alone.

    So I just wish God gives you all the strength to go through this deployment & the help you need, somehow , in some form. I will keep reading your posts from now on & try to say a hi whenever possible!
    It was wonderful reading your posts !
    Have a nice time!
    Looking forward to reading your posts !

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