Deployment Day #79

There have only been two days during the deployment where I was done. Today was one of them. Today involved a nasty sinus headache, two tow trucks, and a few other things.

At one point I handed my daughter’s boyfriend cash and some gift cards and asked him to take all the children out of the house.


He took them all to Chipotle and the bookstore. I had no idea if he could even handle them all by himself. But he did, they had fun, and I was able to spend some time trying to sort everything out.

It still isn’t all figured out and the headache is still here (and I’m losing my voice). I hate being defined by my circumstances but that’s where I’m at right now.

I want to look back on this and see that we all grew and benefitted from the challenges we walked through.

But I’m not there yet. Not at all.

My husband has been deployed to the Middle East for 274 days.  These are my real thoughts expressing my heart during his absence.  I appreciate your prayers and kind words as we cope, adapt, and carry on without him until August 2014.  To read from the beginning, click here.

  1. I am so sorry for your awful day! Praying the next one is better and you get it all figured out. Thank you for writing about this deployment. You encourage and inspire me everyday. On a side note, the boyfriend sounds like a keeper:).

  2. So sorry about your horrible day! I can totally relate; I’ve had a few of these days lately! I appreciate you sharing though because it helps me feel more normal. We still have 7 months left on my husband’s deployment (5 down) and someone told me the other day that we’re at the halfway mark (not) and it’s all easy peasy from here. I wanted to slap her 😉 She has no idea! Praying for you and your family and I hope the coming days are much better ♡

  3. I have to say, it sounds like your daughter has found a good one! And good for you for asking for help.

  4. Make sure that your daughter’s boyfriend sticks around! He is definitely a keeper!

    On a different note, I’ve been praying for you, and keeping you in my thoughts. You can do it! I know with God, all things are possible. Rough days unfortunately are common for everyone. I’ll continue to be praying for you.

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