Deployment Day #75

I woke up feeling not so great so I decided for the first time in a very long time to just go back to bed. I rarely do this, I normally just get up and power through the day, but I thought that if I slept a little longer I might feel better.

I was right, when I work up I felt significantly better.

We didn’t really do anything today. That seems so strange, but instead of tackling some big project or going somewhere we all just did nothing. Well my boys spent most of the day doing homework (typical Sunday) but the rest of us just sat around, except for trying to finish the laundry.

I’ve been on a quest to catch up on laundry this weekend. I’ve done 19 loads over the past few days. Not only was it our regular laundry, I decided to wash all the sheets and towels. And I decided to finally wash all the sweaters and delicates that can’t go in the dryer.

And of course because I decided to wash all the sheets, someone will wet the bed today. That’s just how life works.

It is almost all folded and put away. Almost.

I have this strange fantasy that one day I will locate all the missing socks and create matches. This will never happen, but I continue to press on searching the house for strays and putting the extras in our sock bag. I have no idea how much time I’ve spent on single socks, but I’m sure it is far too much.

The kids got to talk to Commander for a long time today. The internet connection held up for their entire conversation.

It was a good day.

My husband has been deployed to the Middle East for 274 days.  These are my real thoughts expressing my heart during his absence.  I appreciate your prayers and kind words as we cope, adapt, and carry on without him until August 2014.  To read from the beginning, click here.

  1. I am glad you are well. Your battle on the laundry seems to be doing better than mine (and I have no “excuses”.) You are so right about the corrollary of Murphy’s law that when all the sheets are in the wash, then somehow a mattress will be wet on (or puked on).
    I was just thinking how your husband moved from the affectionate moniker (and sometimes not so affectionate I suppose during different postings and seasons of life as you told your story) of the Sailor to the Commander. It’s a different sort of affection I “hear” in your voice now that you have promoted him. Have you considered linking that series to your deployment journal? For I find myself wanting to re-read the story of your journey from unhappy Toni to Happy again as you and your Sailor grew together to grow a family. So often “out of sync” with what may be considered the “norm”, but determined to raise and educate and nurture your own the way you felt led and inspired.

  2. Oh, I totally agree with Dineen. I LOVED reading your story. I feel like a lurker here, because I don’t think I’ve ever commented, but I have been keeping up, and saying a prayer when I remember.
    And although I have 6 kids, only 1 is still at home, but I remember what it was like to have a house full. God bless you.

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