Deployment Day #68

Not having a birthday is so much better.

Today I decided to stop trying to be everything and decided to just be.

There was a lot of stuff that needed to get done that didn’t get done. Tons.

But when I tucked my girls in bed, my nine-year-old said to me,

“Today seemed like the days we had when daddy was here, fun.”

I kissed her on the cheek and promised her tomorrow would be the same.

He wanted to make his leftover dinner seem like a restaurant dinner. Don’t worry that’s grape juice.

My husband has been deployed to the Middle East for 274 days.  These are my real thoughts expressing my heart during his absence.  I appreciate your prayers and kind words as we cope, adapt, and carry on without him until August 2014.  To read from the beginning, click here.

  1. Congratulations on making it 1/4 of the way through! That’s a big milestone!

    I make it through my cardio workouts by breaking the whole time down into smaller chunks so the end doesn’t seem so far away! Making it through 6 minutes at a time is much less daunting than thinking about the whole 30 or 60. Before you know it, there’s more time done than there is left ahead. 🙂

  2. I’m happy and proud of you.

    Thanks for holding it together.

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