Deployment Day #50

Christmas cards. I love getting them. Even the annoying ones where the people list off all their awesome accomplishments for the year and gloss over the bad stuff.

I usually send Christmas cards (photos), but I haven’t for the past two years. Last year we had just moved into our house and I couldn’t find our silverware, let alone a family photo. And this year… well, you know.

The problem is that because we’ve moved and I haven’t sent cards we aren’t getting very many cards this year.

I never really realized how much I like getting cards until they stopped coming. (By the way- this isn’t a post to guilt all of you who know me to send me a card, seriously)

Then it got me thinking about how there are probably people like me who like getting cards, but now aren’t getting one from me.

If you are a Christmas card sender- it isn’t too late to send them out. Who cares if they arrive after Christmas? There are probably lots of people who would love to see a picture of your family, an update, or even just a simple Merry Christmas.

In other news we are out of tape to wrap gifts. My kids have started using packing tape to wrap presents because we have plenty of that….

My husband has been deployed to the Middle East for 274 days.  These are my real thoughts expressing my heart during his absence.  I appreciate your prayers and kind words as we cope, adapt, and carry on without him until August 2014.  To read from the beginning, click here.

  1. We are totally there on the packing tape… though we’ve been given gifts with duct tape… that’s NOT fun 🙂 Packing tape is still removable.

  2. I had two posts into my reader today. Hugs and prayers, especially at this time.

  3. I only realized in the last few years how much I like getting photo cards with newsy updates on what our friends and family have been up to. I think it took having my own kids to be interested in seeing other people’s kids!

    And … I don’t think it’s just me who’s way behind on everything this year, because we haven’t gotten as many cards as we usually do, and we haven’t moved. I myself just finished labeling and stamping our cards today. So hopefully you’ll be getting more in the coming days.

    My husband and his brother have been known to use foil as wrapping paper. Your kids are doing great!


  4. I’ve had so many years of not getting to my cards until after Christmas that I’ve stopped trying to send them out before. I do cards in January and that’s just the way it is. 🙂

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