Deployment Day #27

Communication is still very spotty. Sometimes I think it would be better to have no communication than the two minute phone calls that consist of me yelling…



“I can’t hear you!”

I say that, but even a minute of yelling is better than nothing at all.

We got a post card today. My eleven year old read it aloud to everyone else. As soon as he got to the last line he burst in to tears. The real kind. The kind where your chest heaves and you can’t stop shaking.

I know he is taking this the hardest. My heart breaks for this one. I can’t do anything to change our situation. I can’t make it better for him.

He’s old enough to understand it all. It stinks as a parent when you can’t fix things for your children. Especially when it is something they don’t deserve or didn’t sign up for.

The last deployment he was only four. He had no concept of time. A week was a day, and a month was a year to him. This time he knows. He knows every day, every minute, every second.

He needs his dad.

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My husband has been deployed to the Middle East for 274 days.  These are my real thoughts expressing my heart during his absence.  I appreciate your prayers and kind words as we cope, adapt, and carry on without him until August 2014.  To read from the beginning, click here.

1 comment
  1. Sadly, I feel your pain. My husband is currently deployed to the big sand box as well. Our six year old son has had some of the same reactions. It’s heartbreaking as a mom when you can’t ease their pain, especially on those days when they just want to practice ball with their dad. And the holidays seem to make it twice as difficult. Hugs to you!

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