Deployment Day #10

Today seemed normal. We picked up, raked leaves, got haircuts, ran errands and got ready for my sister to visit.

I thought it would be fun to go out so we headed to our favorite Italian spot.

Today was so normal I almost forgot.

Until I got my salad.


I hate tomatoes. But I usually don’t change my order because he’ll eat them.

I picked them out and pushed them around my plate thinking sometimes it really is the little things.

My husband has been deployed to the Middle East for 274 days.  These are my real thoughts expressing my heart during his absence.  I appreciate your prayers and kind words as we cope, adapt, and carry on without him until August 2014.  To read from the beginning, click here.

  1. Tell the server to bring you an extra salad plate for David. Place the tomatoes on the plate as if he was there and with each tomato you place on the plate tell a funny story or memory you and the kids have of their dad.

    You may get a good laugh and cry out of it but the kids will love laughing while thinking about their dad, and for that moment this will replace the sadness of missing him.

    Praying for you, David and the kids.

  2. God bless you and your family. May God keep your husband safe. Thank you and thanks to him for all being so brave. Sending hugs. Stay strong.

  3. I truly know how exactly you are feeling. My husband is in the army too and last time he was gone it was so hard for me because our toddlers couldn’t understand why daddy wasn’t coming home and where he was. After keeping my day busy and the kids it was the little thing like your salad that would make me cry because of how much i love him and miss him immensely. Every night we would after the kids in bed we would eat our favorite snack and it was hard to do it with out him. I would pray everyday and keep my days very busy but some time it doesn’t matter how hard we try our hearts and feelings are stronger.
    I know this is a very hard time for you and your kids and no matter what they do they will feel the hole because daddy is not there but do tell them to pray for his safety and that may help them to feel comfort on the sadness. I know the holidays are coming and at that time may be also hard but see if you and the kids can mail him something special that the kids can do or even prepare for him when he gets back and that may keep them exited and distracted. I know i can come with little different thing we did when we when thru the same situation but do know each family is different but one thing that i will surely do for you and your kids is to put you in my prayers and for GOD to bring you peace and strength. Stay strong.

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