Childlike Faith

I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it” (Mark 10:15)

This month on the Faith of Our Children series we are discussing How the faith of our children affects OUR faith.

I’ve learned more from my children than I ever could have imagined in all areas of life, but I especially love their questions about faith.

  • How can Jesus live in my heart? Does He have a bed?
  • Does God know if I’m lying?
  • Did Jesus have to take naps?
  • How far away is heaven?
  • How long does it take to read the whole bible?

Children are naturally curious and that curiosity can lead to some pretty interesting discussions.

I love that my children challenge me to find answers to questions about our beliefs. It spurs me on and encourages me to keep learning about God, the bible, and Christianity even as an adult.

But what I love most is that my children just believe.

Even when I don’t have the answer to every question they still believe. I love that their faith isn’t dependent on my ability, because if it was we’d all be in trouble.

Their childlike faith helps me to see that my own faith doesn’t depend my ability either.

For that I am thankful.

Don’t forget to read the rest of the moms’ perspective on how the faith of their children affects their faith.