Week in Review

How is it that April is over already?

My photo of the week.

She’s upset because I walked in the room and caught her with markers.

  • I had a killer headache for part of the week and I ended up behind on just about everything. Not fun.
  • I enrolled my daughter in her first college class. This probably has something to do with the headache.
  • Some of my kids are getting to the end of their curriculum and I’m finding myself browsing homeschool sites looking for options for next year. Are you looking ahead to next year yet?
  • Soccer practice was rained out several nights last week, it was weird not having something to do every night.
  • My seven year old lost three teeth in two weeks. It is amazing she can eat or talk.
  • We killed another snake! If you want to read about the first snake hunt you can check out my cousin’s blog. And yes, I am the big wimp hiding on the trampoline. I do not like snakes!
  • It took Cora less than 15 minutes to color all the walls, tile, and cabinets in the bathroom and her brothers’ bedroom wall. What an overachiever…. Thankfully the marker washed right off with a washcloth.
  • As I mentioned last time my daughter is running for Senator. She has started a great series on her blog called Setting an Example. It is worth reading, and I’m not just saying that because I’m her mother. 🙂
  • I have some great posts and projects coming this week, I can hardly wait to share them!

What I was reading this week.

The Orphan Mentality

“How many times had God asked me to follow Him, asked me to travel in a different direction, asked me to just come and I couldn’t because I was holding on to my stuff.  My stuff that I think is so important that I can’t lay it down and see what my Father has for me.”

How to Survive a Layoff

“While I would LOVE it if this unemployment only lasted a very short time, we are buckling down and bracing for a long term period of bare bones expenditures, so I will be making this into a weekly series.”

Veggie Cake

Click on over to Beauty and Bedlam for directions on how to make this cute cake.

Train Cake Tutorial

If a vegetable cake won’t curb your sweet tooth, check out this adorable train cake tutorial. Perfect for a little boy’s birthday!

Have a great Sunday!

Photo credit Beauty and Bedlam.

The Happy Housewife RSS/ Newsletter Issues

If you subscribe to The Happy Housewife via RSS or Newsletter you might have noticed that recently there are posts from another website appearing in the feed. This is a glitch – I am not drinking root beer martini’s, quoting Oprah, or posting CVS deals.

I apologize for any confusion this has caused and can assure you that we are working hard to fix this problem.

Thank you to everyone who alerted me to the problem. As always, if you ever see something that doesn’t look quite right to you around here please let me know.

Debt Free

O praise the One who paid my debt

And raised this life up from the dead

Wooden Christian Cross


Have a wonderful weekend and I’ll see you next week.

photo credit: freefotouk

Field of Vision: My Visit to a Movie Set

A few weeks ago I had the opportunity to visit a movie set. Since my older two children spend most of their free time making movies I was very interested in learning more about it.

We were able to watch filming, interview the actors, visit the prop trailer, wardrobe, and the snack trailer. Even though I didn’t know what to expect, I was still amazed by the entire process.


The day we were there, they were shooting at a closed school. The main reason Atlanta was chosen for this movie was because of the school. You can’t shoot a movie in a school that is in use, so film makers need to find schools that are no longer in use to film, or build a set. It was nice to see so many local businesses contributing to the production. From the hotel to drivers to actors this movie is bringing business to Atlanta.


This was my favorite part (aside from meeting the cast). We met the woman in charge of wardrobe and she was great. I was excited to hear that even wardrobes have a budget and many of the clothes purchased for the movie were on clearance!

One interesting fact about wardrobe is that when the actor is wearing an outfit for a scene, they take a photo of the actor in the clothes and then hang it on the outfit with a few notes. This way if they are shooting days later they actor’s clothes have continuity, even down to what pockets are buttoned!


The prop trailer was interesting too. There are bins and bins (all labeled) with different props. The trailer travels to different movies and supplies props for each one. There was everything from crime scene tape to crayons in the trailer.


There was so much food and it was all so good. There were options for everyone including gluten free and vegetarian. I honestly don’t know how actors are thin given all the food options available!


We had our own camera man for the day since we weren’t allowed to take any photos. Since my kids are so interested in making movies I asked him a few questions about filming. His top two tips for amateur movie makers:

  • Think about the whole shot when filming. Background is important so take that into consideration.
  • Lighting is important, good lighting can make all the difference in an amateur movie.


I was amazed at how many people it takes to make a movie and how good they all are at their jobs. It was interesting to watch everyone working together to film one scene. From the person who holds the mic (my arms hurt watching him) to the lady who was always checking the make-up, everyone worked together and knew when to keep quiet and stay out of the way.


We were able to interview Tony Oller, Joe Adler, Faith Ford, Dane Davenport, and Alyssa Shafer. I was surprised at how friendly and down to earth all these actors were. Alyssa is an adorable 12 (and a half) year old who charmed us all. She talked about growing up in “the business” and her love of microbiology. (Seriously, she is 12!) She is homeschooled along with her three brothers and left us all speechless. One theme that was evident in all of their lives was a great relationship with their parents. Listening to them reminded how important it is to make our relationships with our children a priority, not an afterthought.

Miscellaneous Movie Info

They do the same thing over and over and over. We watched them tape the same scene numerous times. After a while I knew all the lines! To the untrained eye I thought they did a great job the first time, but the director was always tweaking the scene to make it better.

There is a lot of hurry up and wait. Being an extra in a film is no fun. The extras spent most of the day sitting around and waiting for the next shot. I think you need a lot of patience to be an extra.

The bathroom trailer is called the “honey trailer.” Personally I thought it needed to be called the “honey pot” but I don’t think they are going to take my suggestion.

Final thoughts

I can’t wait to see this movie. I don’t watch a lot of television or movies (my kids would say I was anti-movie) but I usually don’t watch them because many of the kid shows are boring and the adult shows are not appropriate for my kids. Procter & Gamble has teamed up with Walmart to produce a series of family friendly movies and this one is the 6th movie they have produced. What is nice about these movies is that they are enjoyable for kids and adults, have a good message, and the commercials are family friendly too.

I was able to talk with Faith Ford about her thoughts on family friendly television. Here is my interview.

It is nice to know that there are some companies who are dedicated to making family friendly films. I can only hope that other companies do the same.

Thanks to the folks at Procter & Gamble who made this trip possible for me. I had a wonderful time and can’t wait to see the finished product!

Week in Review

My cousin’s bowl of sprinkles ice cream.

My week in review.

  • The government didn’t shut down, which means all the military families got full paychecks today. Yeah!
  • I met my cousin for the first time EVER!
  • I watched five soccer games.
  • I was chased by a snake.
  • We spent 1.5 hours trying to get the snake out of our shrubs.
  • We no longer have a snake.
  • We no longer have shrubs.
  • I learned that leftover scalloped potatoes taste great fried up with eggs.
  • I took my cousin’s wife to lunch and almost ate a roach.
  • We finished another week of school and are one week closer to summer!
  • My daughter decided to run for Senator.

Some weekend reading.

  • Amy is hosting Blogging Through the Gospels. If you are looking for a bible study, check it out. You can jump in anytime!
  • If you are gardening this year, check out Frugal Gardening 101. Looks fun!
  • If you have an iphone, ipod, or ipad there are some free educational apps available until Saturday. Five J’s has all the details.
  • Do your kids love ranch dressing? Mine do. $5 Dinners has a great DIY Ranch Dressing mix.
  • Tired of microwave popcorn? Try this easy stove top popcorn method.
  • A friend I knew 20 years ago is bringing her adopted daughter home from Russia this week. Evan is the first child with Down syndrome to be adopted out of her region in Russia. EVER. Her story will move you, read with a tissue.


Government Shut Down Update: Short Term Loans for Active Duty

Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society will providing loans for Active Duty military personnel.

From the Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society website.

In the event there is an interruption to military pay, the Society will be prepared to assist with rapid, short-term, interest-free loans to avoid privation with essential items such as food, gasoline and other necessities.  This situation will be treated as we would a natural disaster, requiring rapid financial assistance without reviewing budgets or providing financial counseling.

You need to show up with a military id card and you can receive a loan, no credit check needed. You just need to sign a repayment form.

Individuals can receive a $300 loan and families can receive a $600 loan.

If you cannot survive on half your military paycheck, you will want to take advantage of this program. To find your local Navy-Marine Corps Relieve Society visit their website.


Government Shutdown: How to Survive on Half Your Military Pay

Update: The Office of the Navy has released information regarding how the possible government shut down will affect its personnel, active duty and civilian. You can download the Rhumb Lines document here.

As I write this the Federal Government is still debating over a plan that will keep the government from shutting down at midnight on Friday. If they cannot pass a budget or a stopgap spending bill, military members all over the world will only receive half a paycheck on April 15th.

Some military families are not prepared to live on half their income, even for a few days or weeks. Many joined the military for the consistent paycheck and guaranteed (so to speak) income. Many are trying to pay off their old debts, or struggling to get by on one small military income. While there are many things you can do to be prepared if this happens again, let’s focus on what you can do if this happens tomorrow!


You will be getting a paycheck on April 15th even if the government shuts down. (April 29th is not guaranteed if the government doesn’t get its act together before then) The paycheck will be half of the regular amount. Figure out what bills have to be paid. If it were me I would prioritize food, shelter, utilities, gas.

If you truly cannot make a payment consider calling your landlord or mortgage company and explaining the situation. If you have never been late with payments before they might be willing to work with you. Offer to pay part of your payment or as much as you can afford.

Create a Budget

Take your usual paycheck and divide it in half. Then take that amount and start deducting your expenses based on your spending priorities. Remember this is temporary, so if you are paying extra on your mortgage or car payment don’t do it this month if it means skipping or being late on another payment. If you are living paycheck to paycheck you will not have enough money to cover all your expenses which is why the first step was to prioritize.

Write all of this down and put it on your fridge. Make sure everyone in your family sees the new budget so there are no surprises.

Do You Have an Emergency Fund? This is an Emergency!

If you have an emergency fund, now is the time to use it, if necessary. Even if you only have a few hundred dollars saved it might get you through this crisis. Use money from your emergency fund instead of a credit card. You will be able to fund it again once a budget is passed and you are paid.

Stop Spending Money

Starbucks, no. McDonalds, no. Magazine in the check-out line, no. If it isn’t something that is needed to keep you alive and under shelter don’t buy it. I realize some people feel like they need Starbucks to survive, but you can live on home brewed coffee for a few weeks. Carefully consider every purchase, if it means going into debt or possibly paying late fees on your mortgage, rent or utilities it probably isn’t worth it.

Eat From the Pantry

One of the biggest areas for potential flex is the food budget. Take stock of the food you already have in your home and create a meal plan. Figure out what ingredients you need to go with your pantry food and make a grocery list. If the words steak, soda, chips, or ice cream are on your list cross them off. You don’t need them. Think like you are broke, because for now you are. Dried beans, rice, ground turkey, whole chickens, inexpensive vegetables, and oatmeal are all good for you, filling, and cheap.

Take cash to the grocery store and only buy what you absolutely need. If possible shop without your kids so you aren’t tempted to appease them by throwing in a box of overpriced cereal or fruit snacks.

*Note: If the Government shuts down, Commissaries will not be open. Shop today or tomorrow if this is your cheapest grocery option.

Pack a Lunch

I’ve noticed that military members have a habit on going out to lunch, often. Hopefully since everyone is working for free this won’t be an issue, but you never know. Packing a lunch is a huge immediate savings and a great way to use up leftovers.

Stay at Home

Gas is expensive, so limit your trips. Carpool with friends if your kids have practices and consider walking. When we lived on base almost everything was within walking distance. It was a long walk, but it was possible. Consider canceling activities that are far from home for the next few weeks to keep your gas costs to a minimum.

Stop Looking For Deals and Bargains

While I love a good deal, sometimes these deals and bargains can actually cost you more. Amy has a great post about deals, detailing the best way to save money. Stop hunting for great deals and focus only on purchasing what you absolutely need to live for the next few weeks. It’s okay if you miss a great deal, there will be more, I promise.

Ask for Help

Don’t be so proud as to not ask for help if you need it. Letting others serve you blesses them far more than it blesses you. If the budget shut down means your kids will go hungry (truly hungry – not missing out on lunchables) go to your church, command, or friends and let them know you need a little help. I’m sure one day you will be able to help others in return.

* If you are in dire need you can contact the Army Emergency Relief for help.

Never Forget

Remember how you feel right now having to make very difficult choices about money. After the government starts signing paychecks again you have a chance to get on the right track financially and begin saving for these types of emergencies. For the past few years we challenged ourselves to live on half of my husband’s income. We did it even if it meant making sacrifices that made us seem weird to others. We now have an emergency fund that could keep us living at our current standard for six months. While we hope to not have to touch it, we know that it is there and I honestly sleep better at night because of it.

Money does not make you happy or solve every problem, but making wise choices regarding your finances is important.

What is your plan for living on half a paycheck? Are you prepared or will you be making some drastic cuts in your spending over the next few weeks?


FB 365 Project: March

Did you get a picture every day in March?  I fell off the photo wagon for a few days and ended up with 27 out of 31 days of photos. Not too bad, but I’m hoping to do better in April. I guess it wouldn’t be “Real-Life” if I managed to take a photo every day!

My favorite photo for the month?

Would you expect anything else? My night in Cinderella’s Castle was definitely a highlight of my month, and this picture serves as a great reminder of my experience.

To check out my other photos for March, visit my FB 365 photo page.

Cora and Kit: 2 Years

Cora and Kit

Can you believe it has been a year since I took a Cora and Kit picture? I almost didn’t get one today because Cora is now afraid of Kit!

For those of you who are new to my site, when Cora was born she was smaller than Kit. I took a picture of the two of them together each month for her first year.

1 week

1 month

2 months

3 months

4 months

5 months

6 months

8 Months


9 months

10 months

11 months

cora and kit

1 year

Cora and Kit

2 years

Happy Birthday Cora Jane!