It’s Starts With a Spark

Last week I sent my kids back to Maryland to attend a TeenPact event. If you aren’t familiar with TeenPact and you homeschool it is worth researching for your family.

During the week the students learn about government and elect Delegates, Senators and a Governor from their peers. This year my daughter ran for governor, but lost to her good friend Evan. He appointed her Lt. Governor and she said she was thankful because she didn’t have to give the Governor’s speech. She came home from TeenPact and told me Evan’s speech was the best she’d heard at TeenPact, I’ve included an excerpt below.

….And that’s all incredibly important, because ignorance gets us nowhere.  We need to be competent, resourceful, confident, even vivacious!  We need to realize that change happens when one person stands up and says “I’ve had enough!”  We need to realize that a battle cry starts with one voice; that a forest fire starts with a flame, and a flame begins with a single spark.  As young people, you and I are told we can’t; we are too young; come back in ten years.  But you can make a difference.  You can be that spark.  You can be that voice that starts the charge.  That’s something Teenpact does.  It gives a vision and a hope.  We are the next generation.  We can impact our nation; we can impact our capitals; we can impact our neighborhoods.

Whether you homeschool or not your kids can make a difference in your home, your community, your country and the world. Don’t let your kids settle for waiting until they get “old enough” to make a difference. They can make a difference today. Find out what your child is passionate about and use that passion to make a difference.

Although this speech was written for a group of high schoolers I believe we can learn something from it too. As moms many times we feel we labor in vain. We are tired from late night feedings, overwhelmed with diapers and laundry, and busy with soccer practice, music lessons and play dates. The young man who wrote this speech has a mother who has spent the past 18 years raising a son who is a leader, game changer, and visionary. While we might not see the fruit of our labor when our kids are young (and we are removing melted crayon from our dryers) we must stay focused on the future.

We are changing the diapers of future missionaries, soldiers, and Senators. We are pushing future teachers and fire fighters on the park swings. We are putting band aids on the “boo boo’s” of future doctors and nurses. As mom’s we make a difference in our children’s lives, the lives of their friends and those they influence. We may never give a Governor’s speech, shock someone’s heart back into rhythm, or travel to an African village to talk about Jesus, but that doesn’t mean we can’t change the world.

It starts with a single spark. What are you waiting for?

If you have a Facebook account I think you can read the speech in its entirety.

Be a Yes Mom

When your children ask you a question is your first response more likely to be yes, or no?  For many years my first response was always no.

“No- you cannot have a snack, no – you cannot paint, no – you cannot play outside, no – you cannot get out such and such toy…”

Then a few years ago I read an article about saying yes to your kids more often than you say no.

The article made me realize that sometimes when I said no it was because of my own desires, my own selfishness. I am not talking about saying no to playing with matches or riding their bikes across the interstate. These were little things they wanted to do, that might have inconvenienced me, just a tiny bit. The more I thought about it, the more I wanted my no’s to be about big things, so that my children understood that my no’s were a big deal. Sometimes, we say no to our children with such frequency, that they stop asking, or even worse don’t take our no’s seriously.

I wish I could say that after reading the article, I immediately began saying yes more often to my children, but that would be untrue. I struggled with putting their wants above my wants. Instead of saying no I would say; maybe, in a minute, perhaps in a while, or let me think about it. Then one day my young son responded to my “in a minute” by looking at his older brother and saying, “you know what that means….. no!” I realized I hadn’t changed my ways at all, I just changed my method.

I still am not the yes mom that I would like to be, but I say yes a whole lot more. I am more open to painting projects, crafts, baking, science experiments, and play-do. I am more willing to stop what I’m doing and watch a puppet show or read someone a book. I have learned to draw princesses and fairies and can color a mean picture. I have even put aside my fears and helped catch bugs, lizards, frogs, and other critters my boys find fascinating. I might never have a love for all things green and slimy as they do, but my interest lies in them and what makes them happy.

Today, when your little one asks you a question and you are tempted to say no, say yes. Your children will be pleasantly surprised.

This post was originally published November 2008.

Our Story: Photos

It’s been a long time since I’ve updated Our Story, I know this because I get at least one reader email a day asking me to update. 🙂

I’m hoping these photos will help ease the pain between updates. They aren’t the best quality because the photos are almost 20 years old, and I had to take pictures instead of scanning, because I’m not quite sure how to use our new scanner yet.

I present to you long-haired hippy, circa 1992. (This picture was taken about 6 months before I met him)

The two of us at our wedding reception (3 weeks after we got married).

One of our many moves the summer we got married.

If you are new to the site you might want to read Our Story and find out how I became, The Happy Housewife. The story isn’t finished yet, but I’m working on it.

FB 365 Project January Check-In

How is your FB project 365 going? I did pretty well this month. I missed three days, two because I was surrounded by runny noses all day and didn’t think it would be a good picture and the other I didn’t really miss. I took a photo with my phone, and then dropped my phone in the toilet when it fell out of my pocket, and consequently my phone is no longer working. A non working phone means no photos from the phone… so that is my excuse!

I am so happy I started this project! Whenever I look at my FB 365 page it brings back great memories of every day. I can’t wait to look back after an entire year!

Here is my favorite photo from January 2011.

Next month (February) I’ll start hosting a monthly linky so you can link up with your favorite photo of the month. The only requirement, it has to be your photo.

February only has 28 days so we should be able to get a photo every day, right? 🙂