Big Changes Around Here!

Yes, you have come to the right place!

I’m sure you have noticed that things look quite a bit different around here today. My good friend Joy has helped transform this site to make it much easier to use. Now I know that it might not seem easier to use quite yet because it is so totally different but I will be putting up a tutorial tonight to help explain many of the changes. (edit: technical difficulties are causing a slight delay with the tutorial, it will be up soon)

There are still a few glitches to be worked out and things to be added in the next few days.

Why the Change?

The idea to rework the site has been brewing in my mind since my trip to Texas this summer. As the site has grown, I realized that I was having trouble finding things on the site. If I couldn’t find things that I wrote, I figured people who weren’t as familiar with the site would really have a hard time.

I’ve also had a desire to write more about certain topics that I know didn’t interest everyone so I wanted to create a place where people could read about the topics that interest them, but don’t have to wade through the stuff that doesn’t apply.

Aren’t Your Kids Upset That They Have Been Replaced?

Actually it is quite the opposite. Many of my children were disappointed that their pictures were so dated in the header. Since “cartooning” them is complicated (and expensive), I decided it was time to retire the old header. Don’t worry, you will probably be seeing much more of them on the site in the as I write more about homeschooling and our daily adventures.

Ack! Where is Our Story? I Can’t Find It!!!!!

I haven’t decided where Our Story should live on the site, but it is still around. I’ll have a very visible link up soon. And I promise (seriously I do) to finish it in 2011.