5 Simple Ways to Make Someone’s Christmas a Little Merrier

It’s Christmas time, which means long lines, more traffic, crazy parking lots, and emotions running high. Here are a few things you can do to make someone else’s Christmas a little merrier.

Let someone go ahead of you in line

We’ve all been there. We have a cart full of toys and the person behind us has a pack of batteries. Offer to let them check out ahead of you.

Give up the parking spot.

Two cars coming from opposite ends of the row, one parking spot. Pass it up and let the other person have it.

Give a bigger tip.

If you can afford to eat out, you can afford to leave a little bit bigger tip this week. Especially if you are eating out on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day.

Buy the person’s meal who is behind you in the drive thru, or pay their toll, etc….

When you get to the window tell the cashier you want to pay for the order of the person who is behind you in line.


You would be surprised at how a little smile can go a long way. Smile at strangers, say Merry Christmas, and hum a little festive tune as you go about your day. Joyful attitudes are contagious this time of year… so make sure you are spreading one.

Reasons to Read the Bible in 90 Days

Last year at this time I was getting ready to start a life changing project. My sister-in-law Amy, challenged me to read The Bible in 90 Days. For years Amy had talked about how The Bible in 90 Days had changed her life and recommended it to anyone and everyone who would listen. Last fall she approached me and asked what I thought about her taking this challenge to the internet. I told her I thought it was a good idea and would help her promote it. I promoted it for her, and in the end agreed to join the January 2010 group.

At first I thought it was going to be terribly difficult, reading the entire bible in 3 months? I didn’t know how I would make the time to invest 45 minutes to an hour a day reading the bible. But then I realized that I probably wasted that much time every day doing things that were much less important than reading the bible. Once I started reading I thought it would be a piece of cake. I’ve read Genesis more times that I can count and I flew through the pages of familiar stories. I kept going, ending up a few days ahead of the group. Then I reached Numbers. It was hard, I struggled to stay focused during my reading time… but I kept going. I ended up reading the entire bible in 87 days. I find it hard to put into words how much this project challenged me, stretched me, inspired me, and blessed me.

If you ever thought you might want to read the entire bible consider reading it in 90 days. There are so many reasons why I think you should do it, but here are some of the things that impacted me.

You Read Through the Entire Bible

I have always found it strange when I meet people who don’t believe in Jesus, but have never read the bible. I’m not saying that reading the bible makes you believe, but how do you know you don’t believe in something if you have no knowledge of it? Conversely, I am surprised to meet Christians who have never read the bible or even significant portions of it. (I’m not talking about new Christians). Why would you follow Jesus, if you don’t know what he stands for?

You Read Through the Bible Quickly

Many people would argue too quickly. I disagree. I have read through the Bible in a year, and I got an entirely new perspective reading it in 90 days. You are able to see the big picture so much better, and all those names in the genealogies finally seem familiar because you are never too far away from something that happened earlier in the bible.

It Creates Self Discipline

This is a side benefit of reading the Bible in 90 Days. You are committed to setting aside almost an hour a day to read scripture. When finished you have 90 days worth of a very good habit.

You Learn A Lot About Yourself

I learned that I have a hard time reading through Psalms, I love the Old Testament, and that I need to memorize more scripture. I also learned that I can be a morning person when I put my mind to it.

Those are just a few of the things I learned by reading the Bible in 90 Days. If you are interested in reading with a group, which I highly recommend, Amy has a new group starting January 3, 2011. You can find out more about the Bible in 90 Days on her website, Mom’s Toolbox.

BornFree Baby Shower Contest

As you all know I have partnered with BornFree over the last several months and I’m excited to announce their latest promotion! A Virtual Baby Shower!

Between now and December 23rd, pregnant women who post their photos on the BornFree wall will be entered to win $300 worth of BornFree products as a baby shower gift! Three finalists will be chosen and voted on by the BornFree Facebook Fans. The winner will be announced on New Year’s Eve at midnight!

$300 is a lot of BornFree products, so if you are pregnant add your photo. Even if you aren’t pregnant you can still win! Just tell your pregnant friends about this giveaway and if they win you’ll get a $100 BornFree credit!

BornFree doesn’t just sell bottles, they have lots of BPA free toddler products too, so tell your friends so you can win!

2011 BAH Rates Released

The 2011 BAH rates have been released by the Defense Travel Management Office. You will need your duty station zip code and rank to calculate the new rates.

On average BAH rates dropped 0.6% to reflect the recent housing crisis. The rate drop will only affect people who transfer into the area in 2011. Those are currently stationed in the areas that had drops receive rate protection and will continue to draw BAH at the 2010 rate.

You can check out the BAH FAQ page for answers to most of your BAH questions.

Beat the Christmas Crowds at the Commissary

Military Commissaries get crazy right about now. It seems everyone, even those who don’t normally use their commissary benefits, head to the store to stock up for Christmas at lower prices. Seriously, it is totally nuts! I almost avoid going, except the prices are just too darn good! I guess I am just like everyone else.

Anyway- here is my tip to beating the crowds. Shop today or tomorrow. Wednesday is payday and from then on it will be a zoo. After payday comes the weekend, after the weekend comes the week before Christmas…. and all the craziness. We have all heard of (or been in) the lines that wrap around the store two times, right? So avoid the long lines and hit the store today or tomorrow.

To help you get the most out of your trip I’ll be posting the Commissary coupon match-ups later today.

No Time to be Sick

With a laundry pile like this who has time to be sick?

So here’s the deal, I’ve been sick off and on for about a month. Stuffy nose, cough, tired, etc, I figured it was just a cold. Then I woke up yesterday to some intense pain in my eye and a headache. I asked some of my blogging friends what I should do for this eye infection and they gave me a few recommendations, all of which I tried. But their strongest recommendation was for me to go to the doctor. I gave them a million reasons why I didn’t have time to go and they told me I was better off spending the time going now rather than later. I promised them that if I woke up the next day feeling worse I would go. (Side note: My husband was also quite insistent on a doctor’s visit too)

I woke up a 3am this morning with intense pain in my eye, head, and teeth. I waited until the office opened and made an appointment. Even though I spent a good part of the morning at the doctor’s office, I’m glad I went. My “just a cold” had turned in to a full blown sinus infection. But the worse part… the infection was moving into my eye. Apparently this is bad, and I was told that if my eye didn’t improve in 2 or 3 days I needed to come back for IV antibiotics. 🙁

So, why am I telling you my medical problems? Because I think there is a lesson to be learned in all of this, and I don’t believe that I am the only person out there who needs to learn it.

As moms we spend a lot of time “doing” for other people. Often times the needs of our family, home, church, friends, and outside commitments come before our basic needs. Things like sleep, eating three real meals a day (not snacking on the crusts of your 4 year-old’s peanut butter sandwich), and exercising often are pushed aside because of a more pressing need. I know for me, when I prioritize my life I am always at the bottom of the list. Now I realize that we are called to serve our families and others, but I believe that many times this translates into running ourselves into the ground physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

So, what do we do about it?

We need to admit that we are never going to get it all done.

We won’t, that’s just the way it is. There will always be one more thing that needs our attention. We have to be okay ending our day with stuff still on the list.

We need to get more sleep.

I honestly believe that moms and the military keep coffee companies in business. I don’t think I have ever met a mom that wasn’t tired. All.the.time.  Yes, there are going to be nights where you are up with a sick child, or making cookies for that bake sale you forgot about, but make it a habit to go to bed and get up at the same time every day.

We need to eat better.

I know so many moms who miss breakfast and eat goldfish off their toddler’s plate for lunch because they don’t have time to eat. Make time. If you have to cut up fruit and veggies on the weekends so you have something to snack on then do it. Even a peanut butter sandwich on whole grain bread is better than skipping a meal.

We need to say no.

There are lots of good things out there, even great things. But they might not be good for you at this point in your life. One thing I have learned over the years is that life is like the changing seasons. Snow skiing is great in February, but not so great in June. If you have three kids under four, this might not be the time in your life to volunteer as children’s ministry coordinator at your church. But, eventually there will be a time where these opportunities can fit in your schedule. It is okay to say no.

There are no Supermoms.

Trust me, they don’t exist. And if you are reading a book or a blog and someone seems like Supermom to you, they’re lying. Or at least they aren’t giving you the whole story. Everyone is failing at something, so let’s stop comparing ourselves. We all have strengths and we all have weaknesses. When I was growing up there was a lady who I thought was the absolute best mom ever. She was always playing with her kids, going on awesome field trips, letting them explore and do all sorts of amazing things. But you know what, her house was a total disaster! She was an awesome mom but a terrible housekeeper. The comparison game does nothing but create discontentment in our own hearts.

Take Time to be Sick

I probably wouldn’t be on antibiotics right now with an big ‘ol fat eye and aching teeth if I had just slowed down last week when I started feeling bad. There is nothing wrong with putting in a movie for the kids and taking a nap on the couch if you feel a cold coming on. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, right? I know as moms we rarely get a sick day. There is no sleeping in or staying in bed all day when we don’t feel well. But if you start to feel run down, do something about it today. Don’t wait. I find that when moms do get sick it is usually something amazing and terrible, often because we waited or pushed ourselves so we could do just one more thing.

I’m thankful that I have a husband, friends, and even kids who made me stop being busy and go to the doctor. A mom who is constantly exhausted, run down, cranky, and sick can’t be doing much of anything well, and I sure wasn’t. And you can be sure, the next time I start to feel lousy I am not going to try and crank out just a few more projects or stay up late to finish a chore. Those jobs will still be there when I am feeling better, and hopefully next time it will be sooner rather than later.

Cora the Explorer: The Stapler

Hi, My name is Cora, and I’m addicted to trouble. Remember how tiny I was when I was born?

Many of you prayed for me that I would get bigger and grow to be a strong and healthy girl.

Well your prayers were answered. I am a really strong (willed) little girl. 🙂

See, I can pick up this stapler one of my older sisters left on the floor.

Everyone knows you don’t leave staplers on the floor for babies to play with, well everyone except my big sister…

I’ll just take care of that, so mom doesn’t have to worry about someone getting hurt.

Mom always says, if you don’t put away your things she is going to throw them away. I’m going to be just like mom.

It looks like mom didn’t put her shoes away either. Don’t worry mom. I took care of them too!

Big Changes Around Here!

Yes, you have come to the right place!

I’m sure you have noticed that things look quite a bit different around here today. My good friend Joy has helped transform this site to make it much easier to use. Now I know that it might not seem easier to use quite yet because it is so totally different but I will be putting up a tutorial tonight to help explain many of the changes. (edit: technical difficulties are causing a slight delay with the tutorial, it will be up soon)

There are still a few glitches to be worked out and things to be added in the next few days.

Why the Change?

The idea to rework the site has been brewing in my mind since my trip to Texas this summer. As the site has grown, I realized that I was having trouble finding things on the site. If I couldn’t find things that I wrote, I figured people who weren’t as familiar with the site would really have a hard time.

I’ve also had a desire to write more about certain topics that I know didn’t interest everyone so I wanted to create a place where people could read about the topics that interest them, but don’t have to wade through the stuff that doesn’t apply.

Aren’t Your Kids Upset That They Have Been Replaced?

Actually it is quite the opposite. Many of my children were disappointed that their pictures were so dated in the header. Since “cartooning” them is complicated (and expensive), I decided it was time to retire the old header. Don’t worry, you will probably be seeing much more of them on the site in the as I write more about homeschooling and our daily adventures.

Ack! Where is Our Story? I Can’t Find It!!!!!

I haven’t decided where Our Story should live on the site, but it is still around. I’ll have a very visible link up soon. And I promise (seriously I do) to finish it in 2011.