Weight Watchers Stocking Stuffer Giveaway

Weight Watchers didn’t want to be left out of the fabulous giveaways I hosted this week so they are stuffing one of my reader’s stockings with some treats.

The stocking is filled with Weight Watchers by Whitman’s chocolate candies (yum!), vouchers for Weight Watchers sweet baked goods, and two different cookbooks to help you make delicious and healthy meals that are Weight Watchers plan friendly. Of course even if you aren’t on the Weight Watchers plan, healthy meal ideas are always a good thing!

Weight Watcher has also created this cool widget that allows you to find healthier substitutes for your snack cravings. You can also find coupons for Weight Watchers products.

You can also get a FREE subscription to Weight Watchers magazine. Visit Money Saving Mom for all the details.

To enter to win the stocking leave a comment. Giveaway ends Monday December 21st!