I couldn’t really think of the right words for this post title because nothing could really capture my excitement right now. While it might look like I am busy blogging away in Maryland, I am actually in England.
Can I get a WOOT?
My husband told asked me two weeks ago if I wanted to accompany him on his next business trip. He had already arranged for our children to be taken care of and made most of the arrangements. Thanks to his extremely frugal living while on all his other trips, my part of the trip was almost paid for with his per diem.
I have been here for two days and it is more beautiful than I could have ever imagined. I wish I was a better photographer, so my pictures could reflect the beauty of this area. It is breathtaking at times, and I am completely enamored by the old buildings and of course the accent. Below is a slide show of my first two days.
I have many stories to tell already, but for now I will share my photos. If you click through you can read descriptions for some of the photographs.