While there are benefits to serving in the US Armed Forces, many of our troops put their lives on the line every day. Soldiers, Sailers, Airmen, Marines, and are serving all over the world, away from loved ones and the comforts of home. They give up many of their freedoms in ensure our freedom.
Not everyone is able to serve in our Armed Forces, but everyone can serve our Armed Forces.
- Participate in the Holiday Mail for Heroes. (This looks like a great project for schools, scouts or other clubs)
- Place a yellow ribbons on your car or tie a yellow ribbon around a tree in your front yard.
- Invite a Single Service Member over to your house for dinner. People are usually pretty good about doing this around the holidays, but they would enjoy a home cooked meal any time of the year.
- If you know someone who is deployed send them a letter, or a care package. Make sure you check with someone who knows them well to see what they really need.
- Tell them that you appreciate their service to our country. You might be surprised how little they hear this.
- If you own or manage a store, give a military discount. Even 10% is appreciated.
- For families whose loved one is deployed… invite them for dinner, or bring them a meal.
- Offer to babysit….military families often spend months apart. Mom and Dad would love to have some time alone together.
- Call…. check up on the families whose loved one is deployed. A lot of times they would love someone to talk to. Don’t think it is a bad time… if it is they just won’t answer the phone.
- Be a friend… military life can be hard on everyone. There are frequent moves, separations, and other trials. Friends can make all the difference to a military family.
- Attend a troop homecoming
- Offer to babysit for the spouse who is on the homefront during the deployment, they could use some quiet moments to themselves.
- Help the family out by offering to run an errand; return library books, videos, run to the post office, pick up milk, especially if you’re already going there.
- Pray- for the troops that are abroad, the ones here at home, and the families that support them.